Monday, July 11, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
June 23,,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

Introduced visitors: Leila’s niece Carol, Michelle,

New Members: Mary Jane F, Rusty, Susie A.

A Big Thank You to..... Rachael B, Dianna S, Jeanne K, Anne K, for the yummy refreshments.

Thanks Janice B for having sit and sew in your home for June.
The next sit and sew will be at Lisa T. home. Watch for Lisa’s email for date, time, and directions.

If anyone has any quilting questions, guild questions, and/or need a mentor.
During the break a table will be set up with members that are willing to be your mentor to help with your questions.

Please everyone wear your name tags to the guild meetings

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:

Aug.–Alan Lugar, owns over 100 antique quilts. Will bring some of his quilts to show.
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year.
It you know of anyone please let Carol know.
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky.
Teachers give your information on classes to Bonita to put in her email.

Carol asked for names of members interested in assisting the judges at the Ky State Fair.
Date: Monday Aug. 15th, 8am.
Gerry K, Mary Lou R, Rachael B, Vivian S, Donna G, Rusty, Pam L, possibly Janice B.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa showed several charity quilts , completed by members and quilts donated. Beautiful quilts...

Lisa also passed out several kits, tops to have things removed, seams ripped out, blocks to be sewn. Lots of things to do.
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
Long armers that are willing to quilt Charity quilts: Becky B, Janice B, Sallie, Bonita, Barbara, Vivian, Sharon K.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
For June - We had a Wrapped White Elephant. Fun swapping game. Thank You ladies!!
For July - Winner take all. Make a summer Sky Block-- Blue and white. Stars in fabric or make a star block. 12 1/2in block,
12 inch finished. Any shade of blue.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Rachael B gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne welcomed all new members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For July--- Mary Lou R, Jo C, Julia G, Leila B, Melissa M.

Demo – Janice B
For July — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!! .

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... Jeanne reported the King was in the building! Jeanne gave a report on the quilting of the King, a report on all the members that worked 216 3/4 hours on quilting the King..
Many Many Thanks to Jeanne whom so Graciously opened her home for all to come and work on the quilt.
Big Thanks to all that worked on the quilt !!!
The King was promenaded around the court for all to see. BEAUTIFUL QUILT!! Great job to all.

The King was handed off to Bonita to do the binding, and will be presented to the Tri-County Shrine Club during our July meeting.

Meetings will be held to decide on the design of our second King Quilt.

The By-Law committee -and members discussed the new by-laws. The by-laws will not change activities or the guild as we know it. Speak up, all members are equal, every member counts.

The discussion ran into more time than we had. Discussion tabled until next meeting. Please send your thoughts to Donna;
Voting on the bi-laws at the August meeting. If you want to vote, you need to be at the August meeting.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our third page for our Mystery Quilt. If you need a copy, please email Diana H.

Show and tell our Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm

Next meeting: July 28rd 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

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