Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sew -n -Tell

The Shriners asked that we put the tables and chairs back into rows before we leave.(Back the way they were when we arrive.

Liability insurance was questioned by the Shriners. They have insurance that would cover us, however, it was suggested by them, that we look into getting our own policy.. Carol received a $225 per year quote from them. Leslie N. Made a motion to accept the quote. The motion was approved by the majority.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa handed out 14 quilt kits to be assembled or quilted. 7 quilts were turned in completed. Quilts need to be finished by Sept/Oct for distribution in November.....

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
August Activity will be an ugly fabric contest. Bring a piece of your ugliest fabric. Winner will win a prize. No, the winner will not win all the ugly fabric. Members might want to trade fabric. Ugly is only in the eyes of the beholder.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a quick finance report with a very small voice. She had laryngitis.

Membership – Anne K
5 new members! 74 total members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For August--- Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz. Becky has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
For August — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Diana passed out our fourth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were emailed to all members and a vote will be taken at our August meeting.

Pasty S. gave Carol info regarding a September 5th and 6Th "One Stop shop in Kokomo, Indiana. Carol will e-mail information regarding this event.

Show and Tell: A suggestion was made that the items be labeled and displayed for all to see with one or two members to be "showcased" each month. Barbara M made a motion to accept this suggestion. The motion was seconded by Mary L.
Carol tabled the motion so members could think about it over the next month. We will discuss at next month’s meeting.

It was also discussed to display the Round Robins instead of showing each individual one. There are 4 groups and it does take quite a bit of time. This would give us more time for Show and Tell.

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works.

Next meeting: Aug 25th 6:30pm
Minutes By Dianna Saylor for Bea Caudill
Thank You Dianna!!!!!

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
July 28,2011

Meeting began by presenting the King Quilt and banner to the Shriners.

Carol received a call from the Courier Journal wanting to do an article about our Guild. What Timing!! The reporter and a photographer were there for the "King" presentation and stayed for the meeting. Several members were interviewed and lots of pictures were taken.

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and 4 visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats: Mary Lou R. Jo C,
Missy M. and Leila B.

Thank You Lisa T. For hosting July sit and sew.

Those going to the Fairgrounds to assist the quilting judges will meet in the Kohl’s (Charlestown Rd.) Parking lot Monday August 15th at 7:15am. Breakfast, lunch and drinks will be provided.

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. She is working on that with the individual members.

The Shriners asked that we put the tables and chairs back into rows before we leave.(Back the way they were when we arrive.)

Liability insurance was questioned by the Shriners. They have insurance that would cover us, however, it was suggested by them, that we look into getting our own policy.. Carol received a $225 per year quote from them. Leslie N. Made a motion to accept the quote. The motion was approved by the majority.

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa handed out 14 quilt kits to be assembled or quilted. 7 quilts were turned in completed. Quilts need to be finished by Sept/Oct for distribution in November.....

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
August Activity will be an ugly fabric contest. Bring a piece of your ugliest fabric. Winner will win a prize. No, the winner will not win all the ugly fabric. Members might want to trade fabric. Ugly is only in the eyes of the beholder.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a quick finance report with a very small voice. She had laryngitis.

Membership – Anne K
5 new members! 74 total members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For August--- Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz. Becky has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
For August — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana passed out our fourth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were emailed to all members and a vote will be taken at our August meeting.

Diana H. demonstrated the quick and easy for making a Double Hour Glass quilt block. Instructions were distributed.

Pasty S. gave Carol info regarding a September 5th and 6Th "One Stop shop in Kokomo, Indiana. Carol will e-mail information regarding this event.

Maria O. Won July Activity of the Month - Blue and White Blocks.

Show and Tell: A suggestion was made that the items be labeled and displayed for all to see with one or two members to be "showcased" each month. Barbara M made a motion to accept this suggestion. The motion was seconded by Mary L.
Carol tabled the motion so members could think about it over the next month. We will discuss at next month’s meeting.
It was also discussed to display the Round Robins instead of showing each individual one. There are 4 groups and it does take quite a bit of time. This would give us more time for Show and Tell.

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm

Next meeting: Aug 25th 6:30pm
Minutes By Dianna Saylor for Bea Caudill
Thank You Dianna!!!!!

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill