Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
April 24,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

Introduced visitors: Janet D.,Mary Jane, Linda B., Susie

A Big Thank You to..... Bonita W, Lisa T., Sheila W., Mary L. for the wonderful refreshments.......

Suggestion was made... Please bring in a copy of the recipes of your wonderful desserts, and dishes that you make. Yummy!!!

Carol asked for a volunteer to make a list of names of members that are interested in having a mentor to help them. If any new member would like a mentor please see Mary L. ....Thanks Mary L for volunteering.

Carol stated our guild has grown to 60 members and it is time to make bylaws. Need one person to chair and 4 or 5 others to help. Asked for volunteers. Connie K. To Chair....,Gail P., Leslie N., Missy M., Donna G. to help. Thank You Ladies for stepping up for this job.
Carol stated there is lots of info on the internet about Nonprofit Guild Bylaws.

Ann K. Received an award and certificate for her 5 year membership. Congratulations Ann!!!!!
A suggestion was made that the guild give you your award and certificate of 5 years in the month you joined instead of every April. A motion was made by Roz H. And second made by Dianna.

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:
May Meeting------Pasty will have an 1 hour Seminar on How to get the most techniques from your sewing machines. Features that you may not be aware of.
March---- Tote, (beginning quilting), Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Ann reported for Lisa please continue to bring items for the Veterans Memorial,.Please bring blocks, tops, quilts, all sizes from King to Baby. Whatever your heart desires to do.
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
4 long arm quilters volunteer to help with Charity Quilts. Please bring your finished Charity Quilts in for "show and tell" for all to see before turning in.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Each member who wanted to participate took a fabric square that was provided by Jeanie K. and was to make a quilt block by adding other fabric. The only requirement was that it be an unfinished block that measured 9 1/2 inches. This way someone will win blocks with a piece of the same fabric in every block. An additional piece of fabric will be given to the winner to help finsh whatever you want to make.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L still collecting 2011 dues. Anne handed out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members. If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list.
Please make sure Ann K has you correct date of joining the guild. When you reach 5yr, you receive a pin and certificate.
Welcome New Member...Mary Ann W

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
May Meeting Refreshments—Sharon K, Jeri C, Mary Jane F., Bea C..

Demo – Janice B
Demo for April- Janice B. ----Fabric Bowls---Very Cool. Thanks Janice!!!!
Demo for May: Lela
Demo for June: Dianna H.

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... All volunteers or members that can help please see Anne K.. We need to complete this to pay our rent.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our first page for our Mystery Quilt. It tells what kind of fabric needed. The difference of warm and cool colors.............. It’s not to late to start your Mystery Quilt...

We also will started our Round Robin with the April Meeting
We have such a great number of participants that we had to add another group.
Group #1
Anne K, Mary L., Pam S. Diana H. Donna G. Jeanne K. Julia G.
Group #2
Vicky B. Connie K. Marie K. Elise K. Sheila W. Bonita.
Group #3
Rosemary Y. Vivian S. Diane S. Sharon K. Leslie N. Edith W. Wendy
Group #4
Suzanne H, Joli R., Barbara T., Maria O., Ann W., Linda B., Mary Jane F.,

Please bring your center block, or your material for center, material if you choose to or not,.please place a journal in each kit with your name, tell us a little about your material and if you have any thoughts for that material or block. Each person will write in your journal what they did before trading it, so you will always have memories of your project .Place an index card in your kit with all Your Group Members Names. After you have completed your addition to the project check off your name.
Julia G volunteered to help lineup the Round Robin Groups, keep organized, hopefully flow smoothly.

Sit and Sew ----Diane S. In May, Janice B. In June. Look foe their emails for directions, time and place.

A Feather Weight Sewing Machine For Sale... Call Janet Raderer------897-5986

A question was asked about moving the tables in the "U" shape again for our meetings.
We can do this but need volunteers to be at least 15 minutes early to move them around and move back after our meeting.

Becky, Sallie, Vivian, Lela Carol volunteered to come early enough to move the tables.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Next meeting: May 26th 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill