Friday, November 30, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Nov. Meeting 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming members and guest.
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Mini Workshop
Thank You Janice for the workshop on fabric bowls.
Sit and Sew for Nights
Thank -You Sally A. and Barbara T. for hosting Sit in Sews.
Bonita W. will have another sit in sew in Dec. if she gets enough people to attend.
Watch for an e-mail from Bonita with more info.
Jeanne K. also will host a sit and sew Dec 17th. Watch for more info.
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
A suggestion was made to form a phone mail committee for guild members that do not have the internet.
Linda B. and Roz, to work together on this to deliver phone mail.
Elections was held.....Out with the Old, in with the New- January 2013
Congrats to all the new...Thank You All that served
President - Leila B.
Vice President - Vivian S.
Secretary - Donna G
Treasurer - Mary L.
Membership Chair - Sondra S.
Historian - Jane G.
Activity of the month - Bonnie M.
Activity Reports - Sheila W.
Hospitality - -Lesile N./Paula M
Show n Tell - Marylou R.
Pictures - Todd M.
Charity Quilts - Connie B.
Demos - Janice B.
Christmas Dinner Dec 6th - 6pm.
The 6 people that volunteered to help set up tables, please be there by 530pm.
Gift exchange, 5/10 dollar wrapped gift.
Committee Reports:
Charity – Bonita W.
Bonita Thank everyone for all their hard work on Charity quilts.
Will help Connie B.get everything up and going.
Bonita will host another Cave In at her house in Dec 10th. Check your emails for info.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Christmas exchange gift. 5/10 dollar wrapped gift.
Bonnie M the new Activity Chair announced the activity for January, It will be Fabric Bingo.
Bingo cards made using 2-1/2 in squares. Instructions will be sent by email and phone mail.
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Membership dues are due in January. Please see Sondra S.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for January - Leslie and Paula need 5 people to bring treats.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2013 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
No demos for Dec.
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful charity quilts were shown, beautiful work by our very talented members.
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Round Robins were completed and given back to owners.
Lots of fun had by all. Beautiful fun peices made.
Guild Blog Site - Diana
Bring your Mystery Quilt to the Dec meeting.
Winner will receive the prize ruler.
Please remember to wear your name badges
Meeting adjourned 8:20pm pm
Next meeting: Dec 6th, 6:00pm
Thank you all for allowing me to be your secretary for the last two years. It has been a pleasure.
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill