Sew -n -Tell
Sept. Meeting 2012
Sept. Mini Workshop
Chicken Pin Cushion, Leila B.,
Please bring three- 41/2 sq blocks
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
This year is election year... .
Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
President states the president is not in charge of QDO. If you want to run for President, it does not mean you would be in charge of QDO. The president checks with the QDO committee to see how thinks are going and if help is needed.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Committee Report:
Charity – Bonita W.
Please bring in all kits, Need people to do one thing at a time, one person complete blocks, one person complete sashing,one person complete binding, keep things consistent so seams will match. Everyones seams are different and don't always match up.We all need to be on same page.
We have rec'd 25 quilts as of today from Calf. expect a small box in Sept and a hugh box in Oct.
Carol and Bonita going to Henryville to speak to pastor.
Bonita will be sending out emails once she gets room organize to make scrappy, strings and simple quilts.
Set up for 4 ironing boards, 10 sewing machines.
We have 68 quilts in progress.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Activity for Sept.- Autumn Maple Leaf pattern passed out. Smaller block 61/2 unfinished.
Put name in for all blocks made.
Oct. UFO Sale
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
If you need a badge or membership card, be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for Sept-
Rusty D, Mary L, Jeri C, Connie B, Joe E, Susan M, Gerry K.
Gerry K. took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Demo for Sept. Quick Block - Leila B.
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Please bring all your lovely items to show and tell. We all love seeing the talent we have in our guild.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Bring your Mystery Quilt to the Dec meeting.
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins, two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Ann K giving a class at the quilting Bee- Square in a Square, Watch the quilting Bee website for class info.
Please remember to wear your name badges
Next meeting: Sept 27th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary