Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Feb, 2012

Leila will start a mini workshop for the guild starting in Feb.
Work Shops will be on guild nite, starting at 5:30pm. 1st one will be Flying Geese.

Materials needed for the mini workshop:
Eleanor Burns Method, bring
1-5 inch square of dark fabric
1-61/2 inch square of light fabric
For No Waste Method, bring
1-5 1/4 inch square of goose color
4- 2 7/8 inch squares of background color
For the No Template method, bring
2- light and 1 dark 3 ½ inch squares.
Also bring a small straight edge and a pencil.

A help workshop will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) March 24th, 10am
2000 Flyers made up
Great Door prizes
Added 3 new vendors

Please bring your quilt for display to the Feb meeting. Tagged with Your name ,Name of pattern, size of quilt. Cards will be made with information. If you want to sale the item please let Mary L. know.

If you bring in more than one item, you need to tag them as 1,2,3 as to which you would like to have first on display. If we have enough space all will be on display, if not they will go by how you have them numbered. Would like to have at least one of everyone on display first.

If you do not bring your item to the FEB meeting, you will have to get with Mary L. and bring them to her house before March 10th.

Please bring in your books, magazines and crafts for QDO
Bonita will be collecting these items for QDO

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Please bring the completed kits, quilted quilts, quilts that you put binding on for Lisa and show and tell

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Feb..... Please bring in 20 - 5 inch square of same fabric. Will shuffle and get 20 back.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary passed out end of year Treasurers report.

Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
Ann will be out until after May. Donna and Bonita to help out with the membership duties.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for Feb: Jeri C., Leslie N, Sandra S, Janice B, Mary L, Rosalyn, H
Leslie took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.

Demo – Janice B
Sally A. Fabric Origami
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
YEAH... Diana will start the Mystery Quilt in Feb.

The King Quilt:
Almost ready for quilting.

Don't forget your Round Robins. We have 5 groups.

Next meeting: Feb23, 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Jan 2012

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Pam, Linda, Lisa, Becky, Leila

Leila will start a mini workshop for the guild starting in Feb.
Work Shops will be on guild nite, starting at 5:30pm. 1st one will be Flying Geese.

Materials needed for the mini workshop:
Eleanor Burns Method, bring
1-5 inch square of dark fabric
1-61/2 inch square of light fabric
For No Waste Method, bring
1-5 1/4 inch square of goose color
4- 2 7/8 inch squares of background color
For the No Template method, bring
2- light and 1 dark 3 ½ inch squares.
Also bring a small straight edge and a pencil.

A help workshop will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled “HELP LIST”, please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) March 24th, 10am until ?
2000 Flyers made up
Great Door prizes
Added 3 new vendors

Please bring your quilt for display to the Feb meeting. Tagged with Your name ,Name of pattern, size of quilt. Cards will be made with information. If you want to sale the item please let Mary L. know.

If you bring in more than one item, you need to tag them as 1,2,3 as to which you would like to have first on display. If we have enough space all will be on display, if not they will go by how you have them numbered. Would like to have at least one of everyone on display first.

If you do not bring your item to the FEB meeting, you will have to get with Mary L. and bring them to her house before March 10th.

Shriners will be providing food again for us this year.

Please bring in your books, magazines and crafts for QDO
Bonita will be collecting these items for QDO

Guest Ann Weaver talked about Ky QDO. Inviting us all to attend their QDO March 17th. At the Ramada Inn, 9700 Bluegrass Pwky. Louisville, Ky. 10 am til 3pm. $5.00 admission. Great Door Prizes.
Would like our Guild to have a booth, great way tp promote our guild.

Items of interest:
Susie Lynn -“Susie Country Crafts” is selling all her cotton fabric. She lives in Jeffersonville. Phone number 283-0448 if you are interested please give her a call.

Holly Hock taking reservations to ride the bus to Cincinnati for the quilt show...April 13th... $45.00 which includes, ride, admission, tote bag, 2012 festive pin, and a program.

Ky Heritage Quilt Society--Trunk Show
Feb 16th, 10am, Taylorsville Rd.
Get back with Carol if you are interested in going.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out kits, quilts to be quilted, quilts to be bound.
A big Thank You for doing all we do for the vets

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Feb..... Please bring in 20 - 5 inch square of same fabric. Will shuffle and get 20 back.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary passed out end of year Treasurers report.

Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
Ann will be out until after May. Donna and Bonita to help out with the membership duties.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for Feb: Jeri C., Leslie N, Sandra S, Janice B, Mary L, Rosalyn, H
Leslie took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.

Demo – Janice B
Sally A. Fabric Origami
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Will start the Mystery Quilt in Feb.

The King Quilt:
Almost ready for quilting.

Guest Karole Darnell asked if we would be interested in helping the Southern In Quilt Guild put on a quilt show. Would like to raffle quilts. Let Carol know your thoughts.

Round Robins started again in January. We have 5 groups.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm
Next meeting: Feb23, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill