Friday, November 30, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Nov. Meeting 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming members and guest.
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Mini Workshop
Thank You Janice for the workshop on fabric bowls.
Sit and Sew for Nights
Thank -You Sally A. and Barbara T. for hosting Sit in Sews.
Bonita W. will have another sit in sew in Dec. if she gets enough people to attend.
Watch for an e-mail from Bonita with more info.
Jeanne K. also will host a sit and sew Dec 17th. Watch for more info.
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
A suggestion was made to form a phone mail committee for guild members that do not have the internet.
Linda B. and Roz, to work together on this to deliver phone mail.
Elections was held.....Out with the Old, in with the New- January 2013
Congrats to all the new...Thank You All that served
President - Leila B.
Vice President - Vivian S.
Secretary - Donna G
Treasurer - Mary L.
Membership Chair - Sondra S.
Historian - Jane G.
Activity of the month - Bonnie M.
Activity Reports - Sheila W.
Hospitality - -Lesile N./Paula M
Show n Tell - Marylou R.
Pictures - Todd M.
Charity Quilts - Connie B.
Demos - Janice B.
Christmas Dinner Dec 6th - 6pm.
The 6 people that volunteered to help set up tables, please be there by 530pm.
Gift exchange, 5/10 dollar wrapped gift.
Committee Reports:
Charity – Bonita W.
Bonita Thank everyone for all their hard work on Charity quilts.
Will help Connie B.get everything up and going.
Bonita will host another Cave In at her house in Dec 10th. Check your emails for info.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Christmas exchange gift. 5/10 dollar wrapped gift.
Bonnie M the new Activity Chair announced the activity for January, It will be Fabric Bingo.
Bingo cards made using 2-1/2 in squares. Instructions will be sent by email and phone mail.
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Membership dues are due in January. Please see Sondra S.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for January - Leslie and Paula need 5 people to bring treats.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2013 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
No demos for Dec.
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful charity quilts were shown, beautiful work by our very talented members.
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Round Robins were completed and given back to owners.
Lots of fun had by all. Beautiful fun peices made.
Guild Blog Site - Diana
Bring your Mystery Quilt to the Dec meeting.
Winner will receive the prize ruler.
Please remember to wear your name badges
Meeting adjourned 8:20pm pm
Next meeting: Dec 6th, 6:00pm
Thank you all for allowing me to be your secretary for the last two years. It has been a pleasure.
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Guild Reminder Sept 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Sept. Meeting 2012
Sept. Mini Workshop
Chicken Pin Cushion, Leila B.,
Please bring three- 41/2 sq blocks
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
This year is election year... .
Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
President states the president is not in charge of QDO. If you want to run for President, it does not mean you would be in charge of QDO. The president checks with the QDO committee to see how thinks are going and if help is needed.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Committee Report:
Charity – Bonita W.
Please bring in all kits, Need people to do one thing at a time, one person complete blocks, one person complete sashing,one person complete binding, keep things consistent so seams will match. Everyones seams are different and don't always match up.We all need to be on same page.
We have rec'd 25 quilts as of today from Calf. expect a small box in Sept and a hugh box in Oct.
Carol and Bonita going to Henryville to speak to pastor.
Bonita will be sending out emails once she gets room organize to make scrappy, strings and simple quilts.
Set up for 4 ironing boards, 10 sewing machines.
We have 68 quilts in progress.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Activity for Sept.- Autumn Maple Leaf pattern passed out. Smaller block 61/2 unfinished.
Put name in for all blocks made.
Oct. UFO Sale
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
If you need a badge or membership card, be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for Sept-
Rusty D, Mary L, Jeri C, Connie B, Joe E, Susan M, Gerry K.
Gerry K. took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Demo for Sept. Quick Block - Leila B.
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Please bring all your lovely items to show and tell. We all love seeing the talent we have in our guild.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Bring your Mystery Quilt to the Dec meeting.
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins, two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Ann K giving a class at the quilting Bee- Square in a Square, Watch the quilting Bee website for class info.
Please remember to wear your name badges
Next meeting: Sept 27th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Sunday, September 23, 2012

August Minutes 2012

Sew -n -Tell
August Meeting 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming members and guest.
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Sandra S, Vickie P,Sharon K, Bea C, Paula K, Michelle, Leila B.
Sept. Mini Workshop
Chicken Pin Cushion, Leila B.,
Please bring three- 41/2 sq blocks
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
Sit and Sew for Nights
Thank -You Diana K for
Sit in Sew for -Night time- August
Becky F. for Sept. 13,th.
Thank -You Linda
Sit in Sew for August - Daytime
No daytime for Sept.
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
This year is election year... Maryann passed out list of offices that will be open and for you to sign up if you are interested in holding office/chair and whom you would like to nominate.
Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
President states the president is not in charge of QDO. If you want to run for President, it does not mean you would be in charge of QDO. The president checks with the QDO committee to see how thinks are going and if help is needed.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Go to facebook Warm Co. and "like" -Sew-nTell could win 96" wide 40yards,batting.
Diane Saylor receives her 5 yr mark pin in August.
Committee Report:
Charity – Bonita W.
Please bring in all kits, Need people to do one thing at a time, one person complete blocks, one person complete sashing,one person complete binding, keep things consistent so seams will match. Everyones seams are different and don't always match up.We all need to be on same page.
We have rec'd 25 quilts as of today from Calf. expect a small box in Sept and a hugh box in Oct.
Carol and Bonita going to Henryville to speak to pastor.
Bonita will be sending out emails once she gets room organize to make scrappy, strings and simple quilts.
Set up for 4 ironing boards, 10 sewing machines.
We have 68 quilts in progress.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Activity for August- Monkey Wrench 12 inch finish block winners, Vicky P. Sharon K.
Activity for Sept.- Autumn Maple Leaf pattern passed out. Smaller block 61/2 unfinished.
Put name in for all blocks made.
Oct. UFO Sale
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
If you need a badge or membership card, be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for Sept-
Rusty D, Mary L, Jeri C, Connie B, Joe E, Susan M, Gerry K.
Gerry K. took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Demo for Sept. Quick Block - Leila B.
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful charity quilts were shown, beautiful work by our very talented members.
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Bring your Mystery Quilt to the Dec meeting.
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins, two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Ann K giving a class at the quilting Bee- Square in a Square, Watch the quilting Bee website for class info.
Please remember to wear your name badges
Meeting adjourned 9:20pm pm
Next meeting: Sept 27th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
August 2012
August Mini Workshop
Catheral Window - Amy
For mini workshop on cathedral windows, please bring 2-8 inch square white or solid fabric that has been folded in half right sides together and sewn on the short ends with 1/4 inch seam allowance. Also bring a 2 1/2 inch colored square, scissors, thread, pins, and needle.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 2 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating
committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office. The committe met last month, has a list of
names and will contact chairs.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Committee Report:
Charity – Lisa T
No Kits this month
Bonita has all the Charity items and will take care of the Charity Quilts until elections.
Bonita needs a committe for Charity Quilt Works. Thanks Longarmers, Hand Quilters, Hang in there with us.
Open sewing will be held at Bonita's house, will post on facebook when.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K
Activity for August- Monkey Wrench 12 inch finish block pattern given out.
Small print with white. Winner takes all.
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
If you need a badge or membership card, be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for August-
Sandra S, Vicky P, Sharons K, Bea C, Paula N, Michelle, Leila B,
Vicky P took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Demo for August - TBA
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Don't forget your show and tell pieces, and your charity quilts , We all love Show and Tell....
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins, two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Please remember to wear your name badges
There are 5 Thursdays in August.. Remember we meet on the 4th Thursday!!! August 23rd!!
Next meeting: August 23, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
July Guild Report
July 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming 3 new visitors.
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Julia, Joe, Vickie, Marie, Donna.
August Mini Workshop
Catheral Window - Amy
For mini workshop on cathedral windows, please bring 2-8 inch square white or solid fabric that has been folded in half right sides together and sewn on the short ends with 1/4 inch seam allowance. Also bring a 2 1/2 inch colored square, scissors, thread, pins, and needle.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
Sit and Sew for Nights
Thank You Janice for hosting the sit and sew in July.
Sunday 7/22/12 Charity Sit and Sew, 19 people attended. Thanks to all !!!
18 quilts layered, tops made, blocks made, binding made.
Out of batting, working to get more.
Pictures are on facebook.
Sit in Sew for August-Night time
Dianna Kruer - Wednesday August 15th, 6-9pm
Sit in Sew for August - Daytime
Linda Baird - Third Thursday, 9am -3pm
Church in Henryville, August 16th.
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 2 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating
committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office. The committe met last month, has a list of
names and will contact chairs.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Committee Report:
Charity – Bonita W
No Kits this month
Bonita has all the Charity items and will take care of the Charity Quilts until elections.
Bonita needs a committe for Charity Quilt Works. Thanks Longarmers, Hand Quilters, Hang in there with us.
Open sewing will be held at Bonita's house, will post on facebook when.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
The oldest UFO winner-1962 Susie Adams
Activity for August- Monkey Wrench 12 inch finish block pattern given out.
Small print with white. Winner takes all.
Activity Report – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
If you need a badge or membership card, be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for August-
Sandra S, Vicky P, Sharons K, Bea C, Paula N, Michelle, Leila B,
Vicky P took tote.
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Demo for August - TBA
Rosemary did a demo of how many cuts you can get from a Fat Quarter
(99- 2in), (56- 2 1/2in), (42- 3in), (30- 3 1/2in), (20- 4 in plus 5- 2in cuts), (20- 4 1/2in plus 4- 3 1/2 in cuts), (12- 5 1/2in),
(9- 6 in, plus 3 -3 1/2 plus 3- 2in cuts), (6- 6 1/2 in, plus 3- 5in, plus 8- 2in cuts)
Free App: Kaufmann - Quilting Calculaters to figure yardage.
Leila showed the disappearing Nine Patch.
Great Job Ladies!!!!
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful charity quilts were shown, beautiful work by our very talented
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins, two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Please remember to wear your name badges
There are 5 Thursdays in August.. Remember we meet on the 4th Thursday!!! August 23rd!!
Meeting adjourned 8:40pm pm
Next meeting: August 23, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
June 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming 3 new visitors and
4 new members!!! Yeah....
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Sandra S, Vicky P, Leila B, Gail P, Barbara M, Alice J, Brenda W.
July Mini Workshop
Perfect Circle by Leila B.
please bring 2- 10 inch squares, marker, elmers glue, scissors, sewing machine if you want to.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
Sit and Sew for Nights
Lisa T. held it at her house June 13th
Thank You Lisa!!!
Daytime sit and sew
Linda B held sit and sew June 7th and 21st
Bethel Baptist Church Memphis In.
Thank You Linda !!!
Next Sit and Sew for Nights July 18th
Janice B
Next Daytime sit and sew for July 19th
Linda B held sit and sew
Bethel Baptist Church Memphis In.
Thank You Ladies!!!!
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 2 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating
committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
Ky State Fair Board Judges needing help from quilting guilds, handling, folding, stacking quilts etc,,, Please see Carol F.
Pasty S. has volunteered to be the next chairperson for the 2013 King Quilt. Please see Pasty to see what you can do to help.
Committee Report:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out 57 kits for tops, quilts for binding.
Our goal is to provide 100 quilts to Henryville.
Please return your completed charity quilts projects to our July meeting
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Contest time.......Oldest UFO
1.Has to be YOUR UFO,
2.Has to be a Quilting Project
3.Has to be one that you intend to complete oneday
4.Has to have your name and the date/yr you started the UFO.
The oldest UFO wins a prize.
Rosemary Y. was the winner for the June activity sailboat blocks, Congrats Rosemary!!!!
Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Membership – Anne K
If you have changed your email address, please be sure to let Anne K know.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for July....Vicki B, Diane H, Suzanne H, Vicky P, Mary Ann W, Marie K, Donnd G.
Vicky P. took tote,
Don’t forget to bring in your recipes..........
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Treasurers Report - Mary L, Rachael B
An updated treasurers report was given by Mary L
Demo – Janice B
2 Demos will be held in July....
1 .Leila B. dissapperaing nine patch demo was held over for July meeting
2. Quick way to Bias- Janice B
Please see Janice B. if there is a demo you would like to see or if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful charity quilts were shown, beautiful work by our very talented
members and our California quilting friends. We have received many beautiful quilts from California to help with our
neighboring Henryville Tornado victums. Thank You California!!!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions.
The King Quilt:
Pasty S will be the 2013 King Quilt chairperson. She will need members to help with choosing the fabric,
cutting, sewing etc.... if you can and want to help please see Patsy
Round Robins started in JUNE. Two teams of 6. Exciting to see what each one will come up with.
Recipes..... by Vicky P.
Mock Rumaki
(Bacon wrapped water chestnuts)
1 - 8 oz can of whole Water Chestnuts
(There are about 18 – 20 water chestnuts per can. I counted each can I used.)
½ pound of bacon sliced in half or thirds. (Sam’s has 10 lb boxes for $28)
¼ cup Mayonnaise
¼ cup Heinz Chili Sauce
½ cup brown sugar
Mustard (I added to my taste. Sometimes I’ll add splash of pineapple juice, depending on my mood.)
Heat oven:To 350 to 375 degrees ( depending on how oven bakes).
Wrap:Each individual water chestnut in the slice of cut bacon. Secure with toothpick or place seam side down in the baking dish.
Bake:Until the bacon is browned and cooked through.(About 30 minutes.) Drain off grease once removed from oven.
Mix:Remaining ingredients in a bowl thoroughly. Pour over the Water Chestnuts and bake for another 30 minutes. (The sauce will look like
baked beans when done). Remove and serve.
Ginger Chicken Salad
1 whole cooked Chicken (about 4 cups)(I use the Rotisserie chickens from Sam’s. I’m Lazy.)
½ - 1 cup Hellman’s Mayonnaise
½ - 1 cup Sour Cream
1 tsp of ground ginger (I use the already prepared ginger from the produce section)
1 tablespoon of Kikkoman’s Soy Sauce
2 stalks of celery chopped fine
1 cup of seedless grapes halved or apple chunks (I like the color of the grapes)
½ to 1 cup of chopped Pecans
Pick all the chicken off the bones. (It really isn’t good chicken without the dark meat.)
Add the celery grapes and pecans.
Mix the mayonnaise, sour cream, ginger and Soy sauce. Adjust the flavors to your taste. Some people add a little sugar, but I don’t like it that way.
Once it tastes good to you, pour over the chicken mixture and thoroughly toss with food gloves on. Nothing works better than your fingers
and hands! Chill a couple of hours. Serve on sandwich breads or alone. Enjoy!
Pimento Cheese
8 oz each Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese (Walmart carries Cabot’s brand)
Extra Sharp Cheddar
Sharp Cheddar
(I usually use 2 extra sharp/1 seriously sharp because I like the white cheeses. Pimento makes it turn the color I like.)
Add:2-3 jars diced pimentos (Jennifer chops up fire roasted peppers & uses them)
3 oz minced Jalapeno (more or less according to taste)Splash of the Jalapeno vinegar from the jar
Mayonnaise enough to moisten (start with ¼ cup and add as needed), Paprika to taste, Pepper to taste,Celery salt to taste
Garlic salt to taste(I’m light on the salts if I add them. Cheese has a lot of sodium)
Mix everything together. Use food gloves and then squish everything in through your fingers. (The food processor takes away the texture I like.)
Refrigerate for a couple of hours if you can wait. Then serve on crackers, breads or plain out of the bowl. Enjoy!
Please remember to wear your name badges
Meeting adjourned 8:40pm pm
Next meeting: July 26th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
June 2012
June Mini Workshop.
Rusty will be showing Bias Binding. Bring a 12in square and binding if you want to play.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 3 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating
committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
Leila will be taking pictures of our new members or retakes at June meeting.
Committee Report:
Charity – Lisa T
Bright colorful material from Hancocks and Joannes were rec'd at discounted prices to help make our charity
quilts for the tornado victums.
Lisa passed out kits for tops, quilts for binding.
Our goal is to provide 100 quilts to Henryville.
Please return your completed charity quilts projects to our June meeting
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Jeanne passed out pattern of a sailboat,12 1/2 inch pieced block. Please use blue material for the sky and water.
1 chance for every block entered.
Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for May....Sondra S. Vicky P. Leila B. Barbara M. Gail P. Alice J. Brenda W.
Vicky P. took tote,
Don’t forget to bring in your recipes..........
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Leila B. dissapperaing nine patch
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions
The King Quilt:
The King has left the building. The King quilt delivered to the Shriners during may meeting.
Card Tricks is the name of the King Quilt.
Very very beautiful. Shriners were very pleased. Great job ladies!!!!!!!!
Round Robins ended in May, but... we are starting another round in JUNE. You are to bring your
NEW Round Robin center block, material, notebook describing your material, your thoughts and ideas,
a container labeled with your name. Starts at the JUNE meeting.
No Recipes..............
Meeting adjourned 8:40pm pm
Next meeting: June 28th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
May 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.
4 new members!!! Yeah....
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Missy M. Becky L. Diane K. Vicky P. Gladys H. Darlene N. Denis S.
June Mini Workshop.
Rusty will be showing Bias Binding. Bring a 12in square and binding if you want to play.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
Sit and Sew for Nights
Lisa T. held it at her house June 13th
Thank You Lisa!!!
Daytime sit and sew
Linda B held sit and sew June 7th and 21st
Bethel Baptist Church Memphis In.
Thank You Linda !!!
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 3 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating
committee, please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
Leila will be taking pictures of our new members or retakes at June meeting.
Committee Report
Charity – Lisa TBright colorful material from Hancocks and Joannes were rec'd at discounted prices to help make our charity
quilts for the tornado victums.
Lisa passed out kits for tops, quilts for binding.
Our goal is to provide 100 quilts to Henryville.
Please return your completed charity quilts projects to our June meeting
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Jeanne passed out pattern of a sailboat,12 1/2 inch pieced block. Please use blue material for the sky and water.
1 chance for every block entered.
Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Membership – Anne K
 Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for May....Sondra S. Vicky P. Leila B. Barbara M. Gail P. Alice J. Brenda W.
Vicky P. took tote,
Don’t forget to bring in your recipes..........
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Leila B. dissapperaing nine patch
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions.
The King Quilt:
The King has left the building. The King quilt delivered to the Shriners during may meeting.
Card Tricks is the name of the King Quilt.
Very very beautiful. Shriners were very pleased. Great job ladies!!!!!!!!
Round Robins ended in May, but... we are starting another round in JUNE. You are to bring your
NEW Round Robin center block, material, notebook describing your material, your thoughts and ideas, a container labeled with your name. Starts at the JUNE meeting.
No Recipes...............
Meeting adjourned 8:40pm pm
Next meeting: June 28th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary

Monday, May 21, 2012

April 2012 Guild Reminder

Sew -n -Tell
Apr 2012
Elise will be teaching the Clotheline Bowl for the May mini workshop.
Material Needed:
1 pkg. of cotton clothesline, several clothespins, 1 yard of fabric cut into one inch strips. (You can use one yard of the same, or mix it up with a varity of frabic from your stash.)
Longer strips make the project go faster. Need thread that either matched or blends in, or contrasts if you choose.Two bobbins of your thread color.
Glue sticks, Sewing machine needle number 80/90, or a top stich needle. A clear foot suitable for zigzag stitching, A sewing machine with a zigzag stitch.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 4 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating committee,
please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
Committee Reports
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out kits for tops, quilts for binding.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Jeanne passed out several different applique patterns of flowers for you to a 12 ½ in block. Put your name in basket, winner take all.
This would make a beautiful quilt. Hope all participate, we could have many different flowers. Fun Fun......
Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Treasure Report– Mary
Mary read a report of  in April. Passed out a copy to the ones that wanted one, and to the officers.
Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
3 new members and 6 visitors,
Ann will be out until after May. Donna and Bonita to help out with the membership duties.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for May....Missy M. Becky L. Diane K. Vicky P. Gladys H. Darlene N. Denis S.
Becky F took tote,
Don’t forget to bring in your recipes..........
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Diana H. To teach Color Theory
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions.
The King Quilt:
Sally A, is binding  the King quilt. The King Quilt will be ready for May meeting.
Needs to ready by June of every year,
Card Tricks is the name of the King Quilt.
Don't  forget your Round Robin!!!  We can't wait to see all your additions..... 
Next meeting: May24th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sew -n -Tell
Apr 2012
Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.
3 new members!!! Yeah....
A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Sondra, Jeanne, Jerry, Jo Cathy, Mary Lou,
Elise will be teaching the Clotheline Bowl for the May mini workshop.
Material Needed:
1 pkg. of cotton clothesline, several clothespins, 1 yard of fabric cut into one inch strips. (You can use one yard of the same, or mix it up with a varity of frabic from your stash.)
Longer strips make the project go faster. Need thread that either matched or blends in, or contrasts if you choose.Two bobbins of your thread color.
Glue sticks, Sewing machine needle number 80/90, or a top stich needle. A clear foot suitable for zigzag stitching, A sewing machine with a zigzag stitch.
Work Shops will be on guild night, starting at 5:30pm.
A help workshop
will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.
Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested
Sit and Sew for Nights
Leslie N. May 16th from 6pm-9pm. watch for directions.
Lisa has opened her house for sit and sew for June.
Thank You Ladies..
Daytime sit and sew
Sall A. held sit and sew last month
Mary L. held it at her house May 9th
Thank You ladies.
Be sure if you plan to go to these sit and sew gatherings to let the host know so they can plan accordingly
If you can't make it after saying you will be there, again please let the host know so they can plan accordingly.
If you haven't been to one of the sit and sews you are truely missing a fun time.
This year is election year... Please be thinking about the office you would like to hold and whom to nominate.
We have about 4 months to think and discuss openings. Patsy S, Maryann W, Diana H are our nominating committee,
please see one of these ladies if you are interested in an office.
Committee Reports
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out kits for tops, quilts for binding.
Lisa also passed out the quilts from Calf. to members that have requested them for the tornado victims.
She has baby burp pads, baby quilts, other items to take to Henryville.
Thank You Lisa for all you hard work for our surrounding communities in the time of need.
Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Jeanne passed out several different applique patterns of flowers for you to a 12 ½ in block. Put your name in basket, winner take all.
This would make a beautiful quilt. Hope all participate, we could have many different flowers. Fun Fun......
Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Treasure Report– Mary
Mary read a report of in April. Passed out a copy to the ones that wanted one, and to the officers.
Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00
Be sure to pick-up memberships cards.
3 new members and 6 visitors,
Ann will be out until after May. Donna and Bonita to help out with the membership duties.
Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Refreshments for May....Missy M. Becky L. Diane K. Vicky P. Gladys H. Darlene N. Denis S.
Becky F took tote,
Don’t forget to bring in your recipes..........
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be on front table. Please signup for the month you would like to help.
Demo – Janice B
Diana H. To teach Color Theory
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!
Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your beautiful work for show and tell.
Quilts made from the antique sewing machine at QDO were shown. Everyone totally enjoyed this, mostly Todd....
Thank You Joe and Leila!!!
Guild Blog Site - Diana H
The Mystery Quilt instruction was passed out in Feb. Cutting Triangles with special rulers.. Easy Angle Ruler and a
Companion Angle Ruler. "Half Yard Cruise Challenge" Do not cut out your triangles if you do not have these rulers.
Jo-Anns carries these rulers. See Diane H. If you have questions.
The King Quilt:
Sally A, is binding the King quilt. The King Quilt will be ready for May meeting.
Needs to ready by June of every year,
Card Tricks is the name of the King Quilt.
Round Robins beautiful pieces turning into masterpieces.
Members that worked at QDO Names were drawn for gifts. Very nice gifts given out.
Carol was recognized for all her many many hours she puts in as our president, and the many many hours she
worked to help make the QDO a big success. Thank you Carol!!!
Thank You QDO committee!!!! and the members that worked all day.
It was a fun filled day.
April Recipes...............
Pineapple Banana Cake
3eggs lightly beaten, 2c sugar, 3/4 c mircle whip light, 3/4 c- oil, 1 1/2 teas. vanilla, 2 1/2 c flour, 1 teas. baking soda,
1 teas. cinnamon, 1 teas. salt, 1/4 teas. nutmeg, 1 can crushed pineaaple undrained, 1 c mashed bananas.
Heat oven to 350, Beat eggs, sugar, dressing, oil, and vanilla, until light and fluffy. Add combined dry ingredients alternately
with pineapple and bananas, mixing well after each addition. Pour into greased and flour 13x9 in baking pan.
Bake 45 to 50 mins, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool frost cake with cream cheese frosting if
desired. Makes 18 servings.
Buffalo Chicken Dip--by Jo C.
1 pkg 8oz cream cheese softened,1/2 c ranch salad dressing, 1/3 c Franks Red Hot Sauce, 1/2 shredded mozzarella cheese,
2 cans (12.5 oz) Swanson white chicken breast drained.
Stir the cream cheese until smooth. Stir in dressing, hot sauce,cheese and chicken.
Bake at 350 for 20 mins. or until the mixture is hot and bubbly. Stir in chicken mixture before serving.
Serve with crackers or vegatables.
Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm
Next meeting: May24th, 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill ,Secretary