Monday, September 19, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Sept 19,2011

Next Meeting: Sept 22, at 630pm

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money Sept and Oct. meetings.
October meeting is the deadline.

Janice B. Class at Austin’s Sewing Center
Christmas Wreath
Oct 10 3-5pm
Oct 17 6-8pm

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Bring back your charity quilts for show and tell

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Sept. — Celebrating Fall.....Leaf pattern pasted out, want fall colors, Tan/Brown, Green.
Block is to be 10 inch unfinished.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Sept--- Jane G, Suzanna H, Luetta P, Gerry K, Mary L, Sondra S., Jane G. has the tote with supplies.
Oct is open, please sign up for refreshments.

Demo – Janice B
For Sept — Janice B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary
Please share yor beautiful work at show and tell

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana H.— Diana passed out our fifth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Sept workshop– Janice B. Will show us how she made the silent messenger. This is an optional workshop. If you choose to participate, bring an image of something you would like to create. Lead pencil, ruler, med point permanent marker, paper of size you want it to be.

Janice B. and husband to host a picnic at their home again this year for the guild.
Sept 24th at 4:30 pm.
Bring a dish, lawn chairs, fishing poles for anyone wanting to fish.
Carol will be sending out more info and email for RSVP.

Don't forget your Round Robins

Bea Caudill

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
AUG. 25,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new member and 5 visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz.

Thanks to all who help the judges at the Ky State Fair.

Liability insurance for the guild was purchased Aug. 10th through Maverick Insurance. Mary L. Will hold the policy.

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. Please see Anne to correct emails.

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Leila will be here to do miniatures if anyone is interested.

Thank You Pasty S. fo the sit and sew at your home.

Becky F. to host Sept sit and sew. Sept 14th. Watch for Beckys email for information.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money Sept and Oct. meetings.
October meeting is the deadline.

Janice B. Class at Austin’s
Christmas Wreath
Oct 10 3-5pm
Oct 17 6-8pm

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa stated she needs people to help piece together Quilts Of Valour.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Sept. — Celebrating Fall.....Leaf pattern pasted out, want fall colors, Tan/Brown, Green.
Block is to be 10 inch unfinished.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave financial report. Sept. printing a report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Sept--- Jane G, Suzanna H, Luetta P, Gerry K, Mary L, Sondra S., Jane G. has the tote with supplies.
Oct is open, please sign up for refreshments.

Demo – Janice B
For Sept — Janice B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana H.— Diana passed out our fifth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were voted on and accepted as is.

Pam Long made announcement, she is moving :( if you take pictures with a digital camera that has an SD card, you can give SD card it to Lisa to download pictures and she will place on Face book. Good Luck Pam !! We will miss you. Please keep in touch.

Luetta P. won the ugly fabric contest.

Sept workshop– Janice B. Will show us how she made the silent messenger. This is an optional workshop. If you choose to participate, bring an image of something you would like to create. Lead pencil, ruler, med point permanent marker, paper of size you want it to be.

Janice B met with shriners for the next King Quilt. Wanting Sword/Sheild. Machine quilted.
Will meet again to finalize design.

Janice B. and husband to host a picnic at their home again this year for the guild.
Sept 24th at 4:30 pm.
Bring a dish, lawn chairs, fishing poles for anyone wanting to fish.
Carol will be sending out more info and email for RSVP.
Barbara P, introduce Alan Lugar a quilt collector to the guild. Mr Lugar was so kind to bring a quarter of his prize collection to our guild to share. We had a spectacular showing of his beautiful quilts.
Thank You Mr Lugar and Thank You Barabara !!!!!

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Door prizes were held until next month

Meeting adjourned 9:30 pm

Next meeting: Sept 22th 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill