Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Dec 13, 2011

Leila will start a workshop for the guild starting in Feb.
Work Shops will be on guild nite, starting at 5:30pm. 1st one will be Flying Geese.

Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
This ....Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm

As agreed, annual dues will be raise to $20.00 in January instead of $15.00. This will help with rent of the extra room for QDO. Membership Dues are due in January, please review your bi-laws.

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out several quilts out for binding. Please have this quilts back by the Dec meeting, or to Lisa before Christmas.
Strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together.
Anyone interested in coming to Charity events, watch for emails.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
We will have a gift exchange at our Christmas Dinner. If you choose to participate, please bring a gift in the range of 5/10 dollars. The gift does not have to be quilting relative.

For January activity......directions were given for a snowman block, Embellish this block until your heart is content. Depending on how many blocks returned will determine how many winners. Would like to pass out three blocks per winner. So make and embellished as many blocks as you want. Have Fun !!!

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Any questions about our finances, please ask Mary L.

Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Christmas Dinner
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be passed around or on front table.
Please signup for the month you would like to help.

Demo – Janice B
Thanks Marie K. For showing us the Accu Cutter, Really cool.
Thanks Janice for showing us the Christmas napkin. Love it!!!

January Demo- Linda......Flying Geese

Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your show and tell in Dec.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Round Robins starts again in January. Several members have already signed up, we have three groups already. Don’t miss out, join in the fun. Sign up in Dec.

Go ahead and get your block and kit lined up.

Rachael B.brought in the coolest quilting frame her husband is making. She is taking orders.
Oak –150.00
Poplar - 125.00
Please see Rachael B. if you are interested.

Next meeting: Dec 15 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Nov 17, 2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Bonita W, Dot W, Maria O, Jane G, Michelle J, Donna G.

Leila will start a workshop for the guild starting in Feb.
Work Shops will be on guild nite, starting at 5:30pm. 1st one will be Flying Geese.

A help workshop will be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Daytime sit and sew signup sheet on table, please sign up if you are interested

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6:30pm

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) March 24th, 10am until ?
Louisville having their QDO March 17th.
Most of QDO information will be via email.
Shriners will be providing food again for us next year.
Mary Ann W, new member of QDO Board.
Start saving your books, magazines and crafts for QDO
We will be expanding QDO in March, 2 possibly 3 new vendors for next year.

Carol asked if there is any member that does not have a guild job, would be interested in being a Guild Greeter. She would like 2/4 people to help with this. They would be responsible in welcoming the visitor/new member, sit with them and explain about our guild, our activities, registration table, swap table, and all that we do. Thank you .... Linda, Sandra, Vickie P, and Pam for volunteering.

As agreed, annual dues will be raise to $20.00 in January instead of $15.00. This will help with rent of the extra room for QDO. Membership Dues are due in January, please review your bi-laws.

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out several quilts out for binding. Please have this quilts back by the Dec meeting, or to Lisa before Christmas.
Strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together.
Anyone interested in coming to Charity events, watch for emails.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
We will have a gift exchange at our Christmas Dinner. If you choose to participate, please bring a gift in the range of 5/10 dollars. The gift does not have to be quilting relative.

For January activity......directions were given for a snowman block, Embellish this block until your heart is content. Depending on how many blocks returned will determine how many winners. Would like to pass out three blocks per winner. So make and embellished as many blocks as you want. Have Fun !!!

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Any questions about our finances, please ask Mary L.

Membership – Anne K
Membership Dues are due in January. $20.00

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Christmas Dinner
Signup sheet for refreshments in 2012 will be passed around or on front table.
Please signup for the month you would like to help.

Demo – Janice B
Thanks Marie K. For showing us the Accu Cutter, Really cool.
Thanks Janice for showing us the Christmas napkin. Love it!!!

January Demo- Linda......Flying Geese

Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!
Please bring your show and tell in Dec.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Round Robins starts again in January. Several members have already signed up, we have three groups already. Don’t miss out, join in the fun. Sign up in Dec.

Go ahead and get your block and kit lined up.

Rachael B.brought in the coolest quilting frame her husband is making. She is taking orders.
Oak –150.00
Poplar - 125.00
Please see Rachael B. if you are interested.

Meeting adjourned 8:20 pm
Next meeting: Dec 15 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Nov 16,2011

Don't forget, our meeting is a week early because of Thanksgiving. It is tomorrow night Nov. 17th.....

Donna Sharpe warehouse sale Nov. 17, 18, 19 th. 10am - 6pm.
Drawing for a $50 gift certificate if you sin up on facebook.

Starting in Feb. Lelia has volunteer to do a series of miniature workshops on guild nite It will start at 5:30pm.
1st one will be Flying Geese.

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money.

Annual Election Open chairs were announced. Members holding the open chairs stayed in their positions.
No new nominations were made. Motion to carry as is. Everyone stays in chair.

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) March 24th, 10am until ?
Louisville having their QDO March 17th.
Most of QDO will be via email.
Shriners providing food again for us next year.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Thanks to everyone who worked on the Veteran quilts.
Lisa passed out 12 quilts block kits.
111 quilts sent to longarmers.
Strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together.
Anyone interested in coming to Charity events, watch for emails.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Don’t forget our Activity for Oct will be held in Nov. A UFO Clarence Sale.
Put you unfinished project up for sale. 10% goes to the guild and you get the rest.
Please bring small bills for this sale to have exact change.
With your UFO item, please bring an envelop with your name and your price on it.

Activity fo Nov. Jeanne made15 blocks for you to quilt. No special pattern. Put batting and a back to the block and quilt the block. Can’t wait to see all the different quilting on these blocks.
Do not finish the block. There will be 5 winners. 3 blocks per winner.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita's report

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave out her treasurer’s report.

Membership – Anne K
Don’t forget Donna Sharpe warehouse sale.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Nov. Bonita W, Dot W, Maria O, Jane G. Michell J, Donna G, Jane has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
Demo for Nov----- Marie K.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

We will start our next round Robin in January.
Go ahead and get your block and kit lined up.
Rosemary Y. has volunteered to be in charge of our next round with new ideas to help flow better.

Door prizes passed out
Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm
Next meeting: Nov 17 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Oct 27,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Darlene, Gladys, Ros, Denise, Elise, Marie

Thank You Leslie for hosting the sit and sew in your home.
Would like to see more at our sit and sew outings. Fun had by all.
Ones not able to attend sit and sew in the evening, check with other members and maybe start one for the daytime.

Lisa T. to host sit and sew in November.

Donna Sharpe warehouse sale Nov. 17, 18, 19 th. 10am - 6pm.
Drawing for a $50 gift certificate if you sin up on facebook.

Thank You Janice and Mike for hosting our annual picnic. We had a wonderful time.

Congratulations to Elise fot winning grand prize .....Janome sewing machine......

Starting in Feb. Lelia has volunteer to do a series of miniature workshops on guild nite It will start at 5:30pm.
1st one will be Flying Geese.

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money.

Annual Election Open chairs were announced. Members holding the open chairs stayed in their positions.
No new nominations were made. Motion to carry as is. Everyone stays in chair.

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) March 24th, 10am until ?
Louisville having their QDO March 17th.
Most of QDO will be via email.
Shriners providing food again for us next year.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Thanks to everyone who worked on the Veteran quilts.
Lisa passed out 12 quilts block kits.
111 quilts sent to longarmers.
Strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together.
Anyone interested in coming to Charity events, watch for emails.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Don’t forget our Activity for Oct will be held in Nov. A UFO Clarence Sale.
Put you unfinished project up for sale. 10% goes to the guild and you get the rest.
Please bring small bills for this sale to have exact change.
With your UFO item, please bring an envelop with your name and your price on it.

Activity fo Nov. Jeanne made15 blocks for you to quilt. No special pattern. Put batting and a back to the block and quilt the block. Can’t wait to see all the different quilting on these blocks.
Do not finish the block. There will be 5 winners. 3 blocks per winner.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.
Craft Town closing. Big Sale Day after Thanksgiving. Saturday after Thanksgiving last day.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave out her treasurer’s report.

Membership – Anne K
Don’t forget Donna Sharpe warehouse sale.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Nov. Bonita W, Dot W, Maria O, Jane G. Michell J, Donna G, Jane has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
Demo for Nov----- Marie K.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Round Robins were completed and returned to owners. Many many beautiful pieces.
Many talented members.
We will start our next round Robin in January.
Go ahead and get your block and kit lined up.
Rosemary Y. has volunteered to be in charge of our next round with new ideas to help flow better.

Door prizes passed out
Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm
Next meeting: Nov 17 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sew -n-Tell

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. Please see Anne to correct emails.
Darlene N
Carol P
Dottie J

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money.
DON’T FORGET YOUR MONEY....October meeting is the deadline.

Annual Election for committees will be this month. Nominating ballots will be provided. A person can be re-elected if voted in by the guild and that person accepts the nomination.

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) board consist of 5 people. One position open.
Start meetings in Nov... 2 meetings in Nov., - 1 in Dec, - 1 in Jan, - 2 in Feb,--- March lots of wrapping of door prizes and making goody bags. Any donations for the goody bags would be appreciated.
Need help with printing for QDO. Every little bit helps.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa passed out 2 quilts for binding. Also,Little strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together. Will start handing out parts to piece, instead of always quilts.
Save your UPC labels of Hobbs Batting. Five labels will get a reduced rate for a roll of Hobbs batting .

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Activity for Oct ...UFO Clarence Sale will be held for Nov meeting. Check Carol’s email.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave out her treasurer’s report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Oct. --- Darlene N, Gladys H, Ross H, Denise S, Elise K, Marie K, Marie has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
Demo for Oct----- Linda B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
If you have any questions about the Mystery Quilt please see Diana H.

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Next meeting: Oct.27 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sew -n -Tell

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Jane G, Suzanna H, Luetta P, Gerry K, Mary L, Sondra S.

Thank You Becky Fink for hosting the sit and sew in your home. Would like to see more members at our sit and sew outings. Fun had by all.

Leslie N. to host sit and sew in October. Watch for Leslie’s information on date

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. Please see Anne to correct emails.
Darlene N
Carol P
Dottie J

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money.

DON’T FORGET YOUR MONEY....October meeting is the deadline.

Janice B. Class at Austin’s
Christmas Wreath
Oct 10 3-5pm
Oct 17 6-8pm

Annual Election for committees will be next month. Nominating ballots will be provided. A person can be re-elected if voted in by the guild and that person accepts the nomination.

QDO (QUILTERS DAY OUT) board consist of 5 people. One position open.
Start meetings in Nov... 2 meetings in Nov., 1 in Dec, 1 in Jan, 2 in Feb, March lots of wrapping of door prizes and making goody bags. Any donations for the goody bags would be appreciated.
Need help with printing for QDO. Every little bit helps.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa stated 42 quilts have been donated to the VA, 5 more ready to give, 7 tops completed and ready for longarmers. Whoo Hooo...... WAY TO GO LADIES and GENTLEMAN !!!
Lisa passed out 2 quilts for binding. Also,Little strip kits were passed out to sew the strips together. Will start handing out parts to piece, instead of always quilts.
Save your UPC labels of Hobbs Batting. Five labels will get a reduced rate for a roll of Hobbs batting .

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Rosemary Y. Won the Sept. — Celebrating Fall.....Leaf pattern. Congratulations Rosemary !!!

Activity for Oct will be a UFO Clarence Sale. Put you unfinished project up for sale. 10% goes to the guild and you get the rest. Please bring small bills for this sale to have exact change.
With your UFO item, please bring an envelop with your name and your price on it.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave out her treasurer’s report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Oct. --- Darlene N, Gladys H, Ross H, Denise S, Elise K, Marie K, Marie has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
Thank You Janice for the Awesome Demo. So Cool....

Demo for Oct----- Linda B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
If you have any questions about the Mystery Quilt please see Diana H.
Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Door prizes passed out

Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm

Next meeting: Oct.27 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
Sept 19,2011

Next Meeting: Sept 22, at 630pm

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money Sept and Oct. meetings.
October meeting is the deadline.

Janice B. Class at Austin’s Sewing Center
Christmas Wreath
Oct 10 3-5pm
Oct 17 6-8pm

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Bring back your charity quilts for show and tell

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Sept. — Celebrating Fall.....Leaf pattern pasted out, want fall colors, Tan/Brown, Green.
Block is to be 10 inch unfinished.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Sept--- Jane G, Suzanna H, Luetta P, Gerry K, Mary L, Sondra S., Jane G. has the tote with supplies.
Oct is open, please sign up for refreshments.

Demo – Janice B
For Sept — Janice B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary
Please share yor beautiful work at show and tell

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana H.— Diana passed out our fifth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Sept workshop– Janice B. Will show us how she made the silent messenger. This is an optional workshop. If you choose to participate, bring an image of something you would like to create. Lead pencil, ruler, med point permanent marker, paper of size you want it to be.

Janice B. and husband to host a picnic at their home again this year for the guild.
Sept 24th at 4:30 pm.
Bring a dish, lawn chairs, fishing poles for anyone wanting to fish.
Carol will be sending out more info and email for RSVP.

Don't forget your Round Robins

Bea Caudill

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
AUG. 25,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new member and 5 visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats:
Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz.

Thanks to all who help the judges at the Ky State Fair.

Liability insurance for the guild was purchased Aug. 10th through Maverick Insurance. Mary L. Will hold the policy.

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. Please see Anne to correct emails.

A help workshop will now be held on the meeting night in the rear of sitting area. 5:30 -6:30pm. There is a sign up list titled "HELP LIST", please sign up if you are needing help with something. There will be someone here to assist you with your stumbling block, etc. This is not a class, just someone to help get you through.

Leila will be here to do miniatures if anyone is interested.

Thank You Pasty S. fo the sit and sew at your home.

Becky F. to host Sept sit and sew. Sept 14th. Watch for Beckys email for information.

Christmas Dinner: Will be held here at the Tri-County Shrine Club.
Thursday Dec 15th at 6pm.
$10.00 per person.
Julie G. will be collecting names and money Sept and Oct. meetings.
October meeting is the deadline.

Janice B. Class at Austin’s
Christmas Wreath
Oct 10 3-5pm
Oct 17 6-8pm

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa stated she needs people to help piece together Quilts Of Valour.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Sept. — Celebrating Fall.....Leaf pattern pasted out, want fall colors, Tan/Brown, Green.
Block is to be 10 inch unfinished.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave financial report. Sept. printing a report.

Membership – Anne K
Couple people have no emails, if you want the minutes please bring a self address stamped envelope to Anne or Bea.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For Sept--- Jane G, Suzanna H, Luetta P, Gerry K, Mary L, Sondra S., Jane G. has the tote with supplies.
Oct is open, please sign up for refreshments.

Demo – Janice B
For Sept — Janice B.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana H.— Diana passed out our fifth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were voted on and accepted as is.

Pam Long made announcement, she is moving :( if you take pictures with a digital camera that has an SD card, you can give SD card it to Lisa to download pictures and she will place on Face book. Good Luck Pam !! We will miss you. Please keep in touch.

Luetta P. won the ugly fabric contest.

Sept workshop– Janice B. Will show us how she made the silent messenger. This is an optional workshop. If you choose to participate, bring an image of something you would like to create. Lead pencil, ruler, med point permanent marker, paper of size you want it to be.

Janice B met with shriners for the next King Quilt. Wanting Sword/Sheild. Machine quilted.
Will meet again to finalize design.

Janice B. and husband to host a picnic at their home again this year for the guild.
Sept 24th at 4:30 pm.
Bring a dish, lawn chairs, fishing poles for anyone wanting to fish.
Carol will be sending out more info and email for RSVP.
Barbara P, introduce Alan Lugar a quilt collector to the guild. Mr Lugar was so kind to bring a quarter of his prize collection to our guild to share. We had a spectacular showing of his beautiful quilts.
Thank You Mr Lugar and Thank You Barabara !!!!!

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Door prizes were held until next month

Meeting adjourned 9:30 pm

Next meeting: Sept 22th 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sew -n -Tell

The Shriners asked that we put the tables and chairs back into rows before we leave.(Back the way they were when we arrive.

Liability insurance was questioned by the Shriners. They have insurance that would cover us, however, it was suggested by them, that we look into getting our own policy.. Carol received a $225 per year quote from them. Leslie N. Made a motion to accept the quote. The motion was approved by the majority.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa handed out 14 quilt kits to be assembled or quilted. 7 quilts were turned in completed. Quilts need to be finished by Sept/Oct for distribution in November.....

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
August Activity will be an ugly fabric contest. Bring a piece of your ugliest fabric. Winner will win a prize. No, the winner will not win all the ugly fabric. Members might want to trade fabric. Ugly is only in the eyes of the beholder.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a quick finance report with a very small voice. She had laryngitis.

Membership – Anne K
5 new members! 74 total members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For August--- Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz. Becky has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
For August — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Diana passed out our fourth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were emailed to all members and a vote will be taken at our August meeting.

Pasty S. gave Carol info regarding a September 5th and 6Th "One Stop shop in Kokomo, Indiana. Carol will e-mail information regarding this event.

Show and Tell: A suggestion was made that the items be labeled and displayed for all to see with one or two members to be "showcased" each month. Barbara M made a motion to accept this suggestion. The motion was seconded by Mary L.
Carol tabled the motion so members could think about it over the next month. We will discuss at next month’s meeting.

It was also discussed to display the Round Robins instead of showing each individual one. There are 4 groups and it does take quite a bit of time. This would give us more time for Show and Tell.

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works.

Next meeting: Aug 25th 6:30pm
Minutes By Dianna Saylor for Bea Caudill
Thank You Dianna!!!!!

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
July 28,2011

Meeting began by presenting the King Quilt and banner to the Shriners.

Carol received a call from the Courier Journal wanting to do an article about our Guild. What Timing!! The reporter and a photographer were there for the "King" presentation and stayed for the meeting. Several members were interviewed and lots of pictures were taken.

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and 4 visitors.

A Big Thank You to the refreshment committee for the yummy treats: Mary Lou R. Jo C,
Missy M. and Leila B.

Thank You Lisa T. For hosting July sit and sew.

Those going to the Fairgrounds to assist the quilting judges will meet in the Kohl’s (Charlestown Rd.) Parking lot Monday August 15th at 7:15am. Breakfast, lunch and drinks will be provided.

Carol noted when sending out e-mails there are several members who are bouncing back. She is working on that with the individual members.

The Shriners asked that we put the tables and chairs back into rows before we leave.(Back the way they were when we arrive.)

Liability insurance was questioned by the Shriners. They have insurance that would cover us, however, it was suggested by them, that we look into getting our own policy.. Carol received a $225 per year quote from them. Leslie N. Made a motion to accept the quote. The motion was approved by the majority.

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa handed out 14 quilt kits to be assembled or quilted. 7 quilts were turned in completed. Quilts need to be finished by Sept/Oct for distribution in November.....

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
August Activity will be an ugly fabric contest. Bring a piece of your ugliest fabric. Winner will win a prize. No, the winner will not win all the ugly fabric. Members might want to trade fabric. Ugly is only in the eyes of the beholder.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a quick finance report with a very small voice. She had laryngitis.

Membership – Anne K
5 new members! 74 total members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For August--- Vicky, Diana K, Becky, Julia, Alice and Roz. Becky has the tote with supplies.

Demo – Janice B
For August — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Show and Tell, as usual was awesome. Beautiful work by very talented members!

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Diana passed out our fourth part for our Mystery Quilt. If you have a question phone or email Diana H.

Bi-laws were emailed to all members and a vote will be taken at our August meeting.

Diana H. demonstrated the quick and easy for making a Double Hour Glass quilt block. Instructions were distributed.

Pasty S. gave Carol info regarding a September 5th and 6Th "One Stop shop in Kokomo, Indiana. Carol will e-mail information regarding this event.

Maria O. Won July Activity of the Month - Blue and White Blocks.

Show and Tell: A suggestion was made that the items be labeled and displayed for all to see with one or two members to be "showcased" each month. Barbara M made a motion to accept this suggestion. The motion was seconded by Mary L.
Carol tabled the motion so members could think about it over the next month. We will discuss at next month’s meeting.
It was also discussed to display the Round Robins instead of showing each individual one. There are 4 groups and it does take quite a bit of time. This would give us more time for Show and Tell.

Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm

Next meeting: Aug 25th 6:30pm
Minutes By Dianna Saylor for Bea Caudill
Thank You Dianna!!!!!

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
July 28,2011

If anyone has any quilting questions, guild questions, and need a mentor. During the break a table will be set up with members that are willing to be your mentor to help with your questions.

Please everyone wear your name tags to the guild meetings

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:
Aug.–Alan Lugar, owns over 100 antique quilts. Will bring some of his quilts to show.
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky

Carol asked for names of members interested in assisting the judges at the Ky State Fair.
Date: Monday Aug. 15th, 8am.
Gerry K. Mary Lou R, Rachael B, Vivian S, Donna G, Rusty, Pam L, possibly Janice B.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
For July - Winner take all. Make a summer Sky. Blue and white. Stars in fabric or make a star block. 12 1/2in block, 12 inch finished. Any shade of blue.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Rachael B gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne welcomed all new members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For July--- Mary Lou R, Jo C, Julia G, Leila B, Melissa M.

Demo – Janice B
For July — Barbara M
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!! .

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

The King was handed off to Bonita to do the binding, and will be presented to the Tri-County Shrine Club during our July meeting.
Meetings will be held to decide on the design of our second King Quilt.

The Bi-Law committee and members discussed the new bi-laws. The bi-laws will not change activities or the guild as we know it. Speak up, all members equal, every member counts.

The discussion ran into more time than we had. Discussion tabled until next meeting.
Voting on the bi-laws at the August meeting. If you want to vote, you need to be at the August meeting.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our third page for our Mystery Quilt. If you need a copy, please email Diana H.
Show and tell our Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Next meeting: July 28rd 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
June 23,,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

Introduced visitors: Leila’s niece Carol, Michelle,

New Members: Mary Jane F, Rusty, Susie A.

A Big Thank You to..... Rachael B, Dianna S, Jeanne K, Anne K, for the yummy refreshments.

Thanks Janice B for having sit and sew in your home for June.
The next sit and sew will be at Lisa T. home. Watch for Lisa’s email for date, time, and directions.

If anyone has any quilting questions, guild questions, and/or need a mentor.
During the break a table will be set up with members that are willing to be your mentor to help with your questions.

Please everyone wear your name tags to the guild meetings

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:

Aug.–Alan Lugar, owns over 100 antique quilts. Will bring some of his quilts to show.
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year.
It you know of anyone please let Carol know.
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky.
Teachers give your information on classes to Bonita to put in her email.

Carol asked for names of members interested in assisting the judges at the Ky State Fair.
Date: Monday Aug. 15th, 8am.
Gerry K, Mary Lou R, Rachael B, Vivian S, Donna G, Rusty, Pam L, possibly Janice B.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Lisa showed several charity quilts , completed by members and quilts donated. Beautiful quilts...

Lisa also passed out several kits, tops to have things removed, seams ripped out, blocks to be sewn. Lots of things to do.
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
Long armers that are willing to quilt Charity quilts: Becky B, Janice B, Sallie, Bonita, Barbara, Vivian, Sharon K.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
For June - We had a Wrapped White Elephant. Fun swapping game. Thank You ladies!!
For July - Winner take all. Make a summer Sky Block-- Blue and white. Stars in fabric or make a star block. 12 1/2in block,
12 inch finished. Any shade of blue.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Rachael B gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne welcomed all new members.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
For July--- Mary Lou R, Jo C, Julia G, Leila B, Melissa M.

Demo – Janice B
For July — Barbara M.
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!! .

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... Jeanne reported the King was in the building! Jeanne gave a report on the quilting of the King, a report on all the members that worked 216 3/4 hours on quilting the King..
Many Many Thanks to Jeanne whom so Graciously opened her home for all to come and work on the quilt.
Big Thanks to all that worked on the quilt !!!
The King was promenaded around the court for all to see. BEAUTIFUL QUILT!! Great job to all.

The King was handed off to Bonita to do the binding, and will be presented to the Tri-County Shrine Club during our July meeting.

Meetings will be held to decide on the design of our second King Quilt.

The By-Law committee -and members discussed the new by-laws. The by-laws will not change activities or the guild as we know it. Speak up, all members are equal, every member counts.

The discussion ran into more time than we had. Discussion tabled until next meeting. Please send your thoughts to Donna G.email; drgbabygirl@yahoo.com
Voting on the bi-laws at the August meeting. If you want to vote, you need to be at the August meeting.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our third page for our Mystery Quilt. If you need a copy, please email Diana H.

Show and tell our Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm

Next meeting: July 28rd 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sew -n -Tell Guild

June 23, 2011

If any member would like a mentor please let Mary L.

Carol stated our guild has lots of new members and it is hard to remember everyones name. Please everyone wear your name tags so we all can put your name to your face.

Connie K. passed out a draft of the bylaws that the bylaw committee put together for approva. Please read these and bring your copy back to our June meeting for discussion. These bylaws will be how the guild will be run, so speak up, let us know your thoughts.

Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.
Teachers give your information on classes to Bonita to put in her email.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
Long armers that are willing to quilt Charity quilts: Becky, Janice, Sallie, Bonita, Barbara, Vivian, Sharon.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Don’t forget.....................................
For June – We are having a Wrapped White Elephant, Do not buy anything, if you have something around the house that you are ready to give up. Wrapped it up and bring it in for the swap. It does not have to be anything to do with sewing. We are also having a birthday cake for America. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne reported that you can come as a guest two times, to come the third time you must pay the $15.00 yearly membership fee. If it is after July the membership fee is prorated for half of the year to $7.50. Please see Anne if you are interested in joining the guild.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
June Meeting Refreshments—Rachel B,..Jeanne K, Dianna S, Anne K
Rachel took the tote.

Demo – Janice B
Leila did a ten minute block for the demo. Leila passed out a block to everyone that was present to have a hands on demo.
A suggestion was made by Dianna S. That everyone sew this block together and bring the block back to make a Chairty quilt. Remember to bring your sewn block back if you choose to donate it for a Charity Quilt.

Demo for June: Diana H.
Need a demo for July,
Please see Janice B. if you want to do a Demo !!!

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Please bring your sewing/quilted projects to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... Waiting for the unveiling. Thanks to all that has put many, many hours sewing/quilting the King Quilt. Awesome group of quilters.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our second page for our Mystery Quilt. If you need a copy, please email Diana H.
June will be our third round for Mystery Qulit instructions

Don’t forget your Round Robin!!! We can’t wait to see what you ladies have done for this round.... Fun, Fun.

Next meeting: June,23rd 6:30pm
Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sew -n -Tell

May 26,,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

Introduced visitors: Gladys H, Rusty D, Michelle J, Sharon R, Frances C, Carol C, Mary Jane F, Andy A, Cheryl M, Suzanne M,

A Big Thank You to..... Jeri C, Sharon K, Mary Jane F, Bea C for the yummy refreshments,

Thank You Diane S. for the fun sit and sew at your house.

Mary L. stated no one has signed up for a mentor to help them. If any member would like a mentor please let Mary L.

Carol stated our guild has lots of new members and it is hard to remember everyones name. Please everyone wear your name tags so we all can put your name with your face.

Connie K. passed out a draft of the bylaws that the bylaw committee put together for approval..
Please take home and read and bring back your input. These bylaws will be how the guild will be run, so speak up, let us know your thoughts.

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.

Teachers give your information on classes to Bonita to put in her email.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
No Report
Carol stated the Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
Long armers that are willing to quilt Charity quilts: Becky B, Janice B, Sallie, Bonita, Barbara, Vivian.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Congratulations to Lela for winning the blocks for May.
For June – We are having a Wrapped White Elephant, Do not buy anything, if you have something around the house that you are ready to give up. Wrapped it up and bring it in for the swap. It does not have to be anything to do with sewing. We are also having a birthday cake for America. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne reported that you can come as a guest two times. When you come the third time you must pay the $15.00 yearly membership fee. If it is after July the membership fee is prorated to $7.00 for the rest of the year. Please see Anne if you are interested in joining the guild.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
June Meeting Refreshments—Rachel B,..Jeannie K, Diane S, Anne K
A suggestion was made with so many members, maybe we need to have 5 people bring in refreshments , we have enough members to add another person. The guild agrees and the monthly refreshment list was passed around.
Rachel took the tote.

Demo – Janice B
Lela did a ten minute block for the demo. Lela passed out a block to everyone that was present to have a hands on demo. Very cool, and very easy. Thank You Lela !!
A suggestion was made by Diane S. That everyone sew this block together and bring the block back to make a Chairty quilt. Great suggestion Diane!!!

Demo for June: Diane H.
Need a demo for July,
Please see Janice if you want to do a Demo !!!

Pasty S. – Gave an awesome demo on sewing machines. Lots of helpful hints,
Patsy also shared many of her beautiful projects. Thank You Patsy !!!
Patsy also gives classes out of her home. Please see Patsy for upcoming projects, dates and times.

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... Jeannie reported the King has held court for 4 weeks. 155 3/4 hrs.
Court is held n Mon, Wed, Thurs, at 7pm. Call Jeannie K if you are wanting to work on the quilt.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our second page for our Mystery Quilt. If you need a copy, please email Diane H.

Show and tell our Round Robins, passed around for next round. Lots of beautiful projects in the works. Fun, Fun.
Julia G volunteered to help lineup the Round Robin Groups, keep organized, hopefully flow smoothly.

Sit and Sew ----, Janice B. on June 14th. Look for her email for directions, time and place.

Door prizes were passed out
Meeting adjourned 9:10 pm
Next meeting: 23rd 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
April 24,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

Introduced visitors: Janet D.,Mary Jane, Linda B., Susie

A Big Thank You to..... Bonita W, Lisa T., Sheila W., Mary L. for the wonderful refreshments.......

Suggestion was made... Please bring in a copy of the recipes of your wonderful desserts, and dishes that you make. Yummy!!!

Carol asked for a volunteer to make a list of names of members that are interested in having a mentor to help them. If any new member would like a mentor please see Mary L. ....Thanks Mary L for volunteering.

Carol stated our guild has grown to 60 members and it is time to make bylaws. Need one person to chair and 4 or 5 others to help. Asked for volunteers. Connie K. To Chair....,Gail P., Leslie N., Missy M., Donna G. to help. Thank You Ladies for stepping up for this job.
Carol stated there is lots of info on the internet about Nonprofit Guild Bylaws.

Ann K. Received an award and certificate for her 5 year membership. Congratulations Ann!!!!!
A suggestion was made that the guild give you your award and certificate of 5 years in the month you joined instead of every April. A motion was made by Roz H. And second made by Dianna.

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:
May Meeting------Pasty will have an 1 hour Seminar on How to get the most techniques from your sewing machines. Features that you may not be aware of.
March---- Tote, (beginning quilting), Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Ann reported for Lisa please continue to bring items for the Veterans Memorial,.Please bring blocks, tops, quilts, all sizes from King to Baby. Whatever your heart desires to do.
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.
4 long arm quilters volunteer to help with Charity Quilts. Please bring your finished Charity Quilts in for "show and tell" for all to see before turning in.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Each member who wanted to participate took a fabric square that was provided by Jeanie K. and was to make a quilt block by adding other fabric. The only requirement was that it be an unfinished block that measured 9 1/2 inches. This way someone will win blocks with a piece of the same fabric in every block. An additional piece of fabric will be given to the winner to help finsh whatever you want to make.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a finance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L still collecting 2011 dues. Anne handed out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members. If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list.
Please make sure Ann K has you correct date of joining the guild. When you reach 5yr, you receive a pin and certificate.
Welcome New Member...Mary Ann W

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
May Meeting Refreshments—Sharon K, Jeri C, Mary Jane F., Bea C..

Demo – Janice B
Demo for April- Janice B. ----Fabric Bowls---Very Cool. Thanks Janice!!!!
Demo for May: Lela
Demo for June: Dianna H.

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H
Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... All volunteers or members that can help please see Anne K.. We need to complete this to pay our rent.

Diana H.— Diana passed out our first page for our Mystery Quilt. It tells what kind of fabric needed. The difference of warm and cool colors.............. It’s not to late to start your Mystery Quilt...

We also will started our Round Robin with the April Meeting
We have such a great number of participants that we had to add another group.
Group #1
Anne K, Mary L., Pam S. Diana H. Donna G. Jeanne K. Julia G.
Group #2
Vicky B. Connie K. Marie K. Elise K. Sheila W. Bonita.
Group #3
Rosemary Y. Vivian S. Diane S. Sharon K. Leslie N. Edith W. Wendy
Group #4
Suzanne H, Joli R., Barbara T., Maria O., Ann W., Linda B., Mary Jane F.,

Please bring your center block, or your material for center, material if you choose to or not,.please place a journal in each kit with your name, tell us a little about your material and if you have any thoughts for that material or block. Each person will write in your journal what they did before trading it, so you will always have memories of your project .Place an index card in your kit with all Your Group Members Names. After you have completed your addition to the project check off your name.
Julia G volunteered to help lineup the Round Robin Groups, keep organized, hopefully flow smoothly.

Sit and Sew ----Diane S. In May, Janice B. In June. Look foe their emails for directions, time and place.

A Feather Weight Sewing Machine For Sale... Call Janet Raderer------897-5986

A question was asked about moving the tables in the "U" shape again for our meetings.
We can do this but need volunteers to be at least 15 minutes early to move them around and move back after our meeting.

Becky, Sallie, Vivian, Lela Carol volunteered to come early enough to move the tables.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Next meeting: May 26th 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sew -n -Tell Reminder
April 25,2011

Next meeting: Thursday--April 28th 6:30pm

Committee Reports:
Charity – Lisa T
Please bring blocks, tops, quilts, all sizes from King to Baby for our veterans
Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Diane S. Passed out instructions for an applique Spring Tulip Block for April, make as many as you want any color tulip you want, but keep the background fabric neutral. Name in drawing, winner takes all.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita. Report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L still collecting 2011 dues. If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list.
Please make sure Ann K has you correct date of joining the guild. When you reach 5yr, you receive a pin and certificate.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
April Meeting Refreshments----Bonita W, Lisa T., Sheila W., Mary L.

Demo – Janice B
Demo for April: Janice B.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Diana H.—Our Mystery quilt starting in April. Diana will give hints on what kind of fabric is needed, hints, on cutting, the pattern, Suitable for beginners. Again this is optional.

Suggestions were made..... members that have their Mystery Quilts from past years bring in for show and tell for the new members to see what beautiful quilts the Mystery Quilts make.

We also will start our Round Robin with the April Meeting
Bring your block, material, journal with name and group number in it.

Group #1
Anne K, Mary L., Pam S. Diana H. Donna G. Jeanne K. Julia G.

Group #2
Vicky B. Connie K. Marie K. Elise K. Sheila W. Bonita. Lisa T

Group #3
Rosemary Y. Vivian S. Diane S. Sharon K. Leslie N. Edith W. Wendy

Please bring your center block, or your material for center, material if you choose to or not,.please place a journal in each kit with your name, tell us a little about your material and if you have any thoughts for that material or block. Each person will write in your journal what they did before trading it, so you will always have memories of your project .Place an index card in your kit with all Your Group Members Names. After you have completed your addition to the project check off your name.

Again a suggestion was made to bring in previous Round Robins for our New members to see.

Jeanne K. is collecting items for a silent auction fund raiser for Ogle Center. Anyone wants to donate hand craft items etc. please bring you items to the April meeting.

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sew -n -Tell
March 24,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.
Introduced visitors: Glenda, Sharon H, Gail P, Missy M, Maryann

A Big Thank You to..... Darlene, Rosemary, Vivian, Becky, Leslie for all the wonderful. Yummy refreshments:
Suggestion was made... Please bring in a copy of the recipes of your wonderful desserts, and dishes that you make. Yummy!!!

Carol Thanked all the guild members for all the hard work everyone did to make QDO a GREAT Success. Thank You to all the husbands, sons, friends that pitched in and helped. We could not have done this without your help. THANK-YOU.
Lots n lots of compliments on QDO.
Vendors very pleased. One vendor ready to sign up for next year.
Goody Bags a huge hit, Door prizes were AWESOME!!!!
Several suggestions made for next year. The QDO committee will meet and discuss everything and list all suggestions.

Revisited Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:

March 30, April 6, April 13----- 3 sessions Anne’s Kandu Coat
April 16 & 23-------Fun and Done, Ann K. Held at the Quilting Bee- Edwardsvillle
May Meeting------Pasty will have an 1 hour Seminar on How to get the most techniques from your sewing machines. Features that you may not be aware of.
March---- Tote, (beginning quilting), Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.

Membership dues are due now. If you haven’t paid your dues by March 31, (which is the end of the first quarter) you are no longer a member until your dues are caught up.

Tonight last night for pictures for our directory. Lisa will make the final print after tonight.

Carol has QDO pins, 2011 memberships and one 2010 membership pin to be purchased. $5.00 for QDO and $4.00 membership. Please see Carol if you want one of these cool pins...

Committee Reports: Charity – Lisa T
Lisa reported we will be helping the Veterans Memorial,.Please bring blocks, tops, quilts, all sizes from King to Baby. Whatever your heart desires to do.
We have no standard size for our quilts. Suggestion made to use the standard batting sizes. Example: King- 102x102 needs to 110x110 this gives 4inches around the quilt for longarmers to quilt. All longarm quilts need to have 8inches more than standard size . Quilts of Valor blocks are to be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Diane S. Passed out instructions for an applique Spring Tulip Block, make as many as you want any color tulip you want, but keep the background fabric neutral. Name goes in a drawing, winner takes all.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Check your email’s for Bonita. Report. Bonita asked if you know of anything going on, sale, activities, please let her know and she will post it in her report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a report on book table sales, QDO, guild fiance report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L still collecting 2011 dues. Anne handed out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members. If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list. Please make sure Ann K has you correct date of joining the guild. When you reach 5yr, you receive a pin and certificate.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
April Meeting Refreshments----Bonita W, Lisa T., Sheila W., Mary L.

Demo – Janice B
Sharon Kearns demo: Fast pinwheel block. Very cool. Thanks Sharon.
Demo for April: Janice B.
Demo for May: Lela
Demo for June: Dianna H.

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory. If anyone wants a retake see Lisa. Last night for pictures.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

KING QUILT... is almost ready to hand quilt. All volunteers or members that can help please see Anne K.. We need to complete this to pay our rent.

Carol showed us the silent messenger that Janice made for the quilt. WOW... Awesome job Janice !!!!!

Diana H.—Our Mystery quilt starting in April. Diana will give hints on what kind of fabric is needed, hints on cutting, the pattern, Suitable for beginners.
Again this is optional.

Suggestions were made..... members that have their Mystery Quilts from past years bring in for show and tell for the new members to see what beautiful quilts the Mystery Quilts make.

We also will start our Round Robin with the April Meeting We had such a great number of participants that we have Three groups, YEAH!!!
Group #1 Anne K, Mary L., Pam S. Diana H. Donna G. Jeanne K. Julia G.
Group #2 Vicky B. Connie K. Marie K. Elise K. Sheila W. Bonita. Lisa T
Group #3 Rosemary Y. Vivian S. Diane S. Sharon K. Leslie N. Edith W. Wendy

Please bring your center block, or your material for center, material if you choose to or not,.please place a journal in each kit with your name, tell us a little about your material and if you have any thoughts for that material or block. Each person will write in your journal what they did before trading it, so you will always have memories of your project .Place an index card in your kit with all Your Group Members Names. After you have completed your addition to the project check off your name.
Again a suggestion was made to bring in previous Round Robins for our New members to see.

Some are interested in doing the Sit and Sew again. Mary L. Will have a sit at her house April 13th. She will send an email with directions.
Diane S. In May,
Janice B. In June. Fun, Fun, Fun

Jeanne K. Announced a silent auction fund raiser for Ogle Center. Anyone wants to donate hand craft items etc. please see Jeanne K.

Door prizes were passed out
Meeting adjourned 8:45pm
Next meeting: April 28th 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill Secretary

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sew -n -Tell Reminder

Next Meeting
March 24,2011

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
For March....Jeanne passed out a pattern for a striped pinwheel. Make the pinwheel for a drawing. Winner take all, up to 20 squares.
Put your name on every block you bring.
If you bring 5, you put your name in the drawing 5 times.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Check your email’s for Bonita's report.
Bonita asked if you know of anything going on, sale, activities, please let her know and she will post it in her report.

Membership – Anne K
Anne still collecting 2011 dues.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
March Meeting Refreshments----Darlene, Rosemary, Vivian, Becky, Leslie

Demo – Janice B
March Demo: Sharon Kearns

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Please bring your projects for Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Correction to the minutes - the activity for March is to make the pinwheel blocks for a drawing, winner take all, up to 20 squares. Put your name for every block you bring. Bring 5 blocks, enter your name 5 times. Last month was take as many strips as you brought.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sew -n -Tell Minutes
Feb. 24,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and welcoming the new members and visitors.

New Members for Feb...Saundra S, Joe E, Connie K, Edith W.

A Big Thank You to Janice B, Sallie A, Barbara P, Diana H for our Yummy refreshments.

Carol asked for any quilting pictures for Jane to put in our album for QDO. If you have pictures please get them to Jane G.

Jane has to leave our meetings early for choir practice at her church. Carol asked for backup help for Jane with taking pictures . Pam L, Nancy F. volunteered to be back-up photographers.

Carol Thanked everyone for all the wonderful donations. We had a great response.

Upcoming Events held by our guild teachers:

March---- Tote, (beginning quilting), Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
April-------Fun and Done, Ann K. Held at the Quilting Bee
May Meeting------Pasty will have an 1 hour Seminar on How to get the most techniques from
your sewing machines. Features that you may not be aware of.
June------ Triangles, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Oct---------Christmas Wreath, Janice B. Held at Austin’s Bardstown Rd. Lou. Ky
Sept----Carol has lined up a guest speaker for this month’s meeting. Hoping to have guest speakers
twice a year. It you know of anyone please let Carol know.

International Quilt Festival in Cincinnati, April 8,9,10th . You can catch the bus leaving HollyHock, in Corydon.
Call HollyHock for info.
Join the Ky Heritage Quilt Society. KHQS, If you are a member you get a bi-monthly book from them.
We are District 6

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa reported we will be helping the Veterans Memorial with making quilts for our veterans .
Need Lap Quilts, Full, Queen some King quilts, Baby Blankets, Purses. Would like to see us have some of these things for this program ready by Christmas. Lisa will post the sizes she thinks will be needed.
Would like to do Quilts of Valor if anyone is interested in participating. This would be a red, white, and blue 12 1/2in block, 100% cotton.

Activity of the Month – Rachael B , Dianna S, Jeanne K.
Jeanne K. Announced a way to use the strips that we traded.
For March....Jeanne passed out a pattern for a striped pinwheel. Make as many as you want and take as many as you bring.

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Checks your email’s for Bonita's report.
Bonita asked if you know of anything going on, sale, activities, please let her know and she will post it in her report.

Treasure – Mary L
Mary gave a report on the guilds finances.

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L still collecting 2011 dues. Anne handed out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members. If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list.
Please make sure Ann K has you correct date of joining the guild. When you reach 5yr, you receive a pin and certificate.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
March Meeting Refreshments----Darlene, Rosemary, Vivian, Becky, Leslie

Demo – Janice B
Feb: Marie K demo Tube Quilt for Elise K.. Elise was out sick. Hope you’re feeling better Elise!
March Demo: Sharon Kearns

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory. If anyone wants a retake see Lisa.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Donations.....bring donations Friday for the QDO book sale table

Sew n Tell is on facebook. If you haven’t checked this out, please do so. So many great surprises. Friends are posting places you can visit for free patterns, different blog sites, pictures of quilts, discussion board. Come join the fun...

Carol F will be ordering 2011 membership pins and souvenir pins for QDO, be sure to let her know if you want one. The 2011 membership pins will be a different color.

New member Saundra requested a mentor. Marie K. volunteered to be her mentor. Thanks Marie K.!!
Please be a mentor to a new member. Help them to understand what we are about, what we do, our activities, QDO, round robins, quilting, etc....

Quilter’s Day Out Planning
March 19th, 2011 10am to 3pm.
Lisa passed around the schedule for volunteers to sign up for the day before and day o QDO. If you didn’t get to sign up, please see Lisa T, there is something for all to do.

Your beautiful quilts will be displayed on our new racks in the quilt area.

Members you are asked to bring at least one quilt or quilted item for display. Something old or new, just not what you displayed last year, and it needs to be something you made.

Mary L will be collecting all items until March 17th. You can bring your item on Friday the 18th. If at all possible let Mary L. Know you are bringing something on Friday and the size so she can make plans to
place your item in the best spot.

You also can bring donations Friday for the QDO table

Members don't forget to wear your name tag QDO.

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Next meeting: March, 24th 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sew and Tell Meeting Reminder

Sew and Tell Meeting Reminder
Feb 24,,2011

Activity of the Month
Feb... bring 2 ½ in X 44 in. (WOF) strips. Bring as many as you want. Any color or scrappy.
You trade the amount you bring.
(Ex: if you bring 5, you trade and take back 5. )

Upcoming activities
Pleas check your email for Bonita’s report on Activities

Anne K. Will be collecting 2011 dues. Anne will be handing out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members. Please don’t forget to pay your dues.
If you are a new member or if you have changed your email address, be sure to give Anne
your corrections and email addresses to update her list.

Feb.refreshments----Janice B, Sallie A, Barbara P, Diana H

Feb: demo Elise K. will show us how to "Tube Quilt" .

Lisa T passed out the kits for 2011 King Quilt" for Shriners . If you have one of these blocks please, please don’t forget to bring it back to the Feb meeting. Next step will be Anne K. to sew the blocks together. We will be well on our way with our quilt that pays our rent for 2011.

Pictorial Directory:
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory. If anyone wants a retake see Lisa.

Show and Tell
Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Marie K. is still collecting sewing items and material for her church to send to Haiti.

Quilter’s Day Out Planning
March 19th, 2011 10am to 3pm.

We need YOU to volunteer for the day before and day of QDO. See one of the comittee
members to have your name placed on the schedule.
Anything you can do to help will be very much appreciated by the QDO Committee.
(Carol Fridley, Lisa Thilo, Patsy Shields, Bonita Willman, and Mary Leon)

Members you are asked to bring at least one quilt or quilted item for display. Something
old or new, just not what you displayed last year, and it needs to be something you made.

Bring all donations to our Feb meeting for QDO table....Books, magazines, patterns,
material, etc..(see Carol’s Note below)

Happy Quilting
Bea Caudill

(Note from Carol)

Just a reminder to bring quilt books, magazines, craft magazines, cross stitch, knitting books/magazines/yarn, notions, and fabric that you no longer want and can donate to our Book Sale Table at Quilter's Day Out to our FEBRUARY MEETING, FEBRUARY 24, 2011 This is our last meeting before our big event.

As before, if you are giving fabric ~ please put it in a baggie or wrap in ribbon ~ not loose in a box. Our visitors will be grabbing and dropping; so, let's try to keep it as neat (as possible) for those who come later in the day.

As before, our visitors will give a donation for what they take.......a true honor system. I feel sure quilters will be fair. This is your opportunity to purge all those books, etc. that you no longer look at. You know that old saying......"your trash is someone's treasure." You know ~ that book you wanted to buy, but didn't because it only had one pattern you liked.

Anything you can do to help will be very much appreciated by the QDO Committee. (Carol Fridley, Lisa Thilo, Patsy Shields, Bonita Willman, and Mary Leon)



Monday, February 14, 2011

Sew n Tell Minutes -

Sew n Tell Minutes
January 27,2011

Carol opened the meeting by welcoming everyone back, and welcoming the new members and visitors.
New Members...Judy, Leslie, Leila
Visitors...Wendy, Dorothy, Elizabeth

A Big Thank You to Barbara T, Donna G, Roz H, Peggy S... for our Yummy refreshments.

Carol reported she has received several email request not to have so much business during our guild meetings and have more activities.. Starting January 2011 you will receive some reports via email that normally would be given at our meetings. Hoping this will free up time to do more activities. So put your thinking caps on and express your ideas, thoughts and request. If you want to demo an activity let Janice B. know.
Please check your emails regularly for news and reports from your guild.

Committee Reports:

Charity – Lisa T
Lisa reported that the Veterans Memorial contacted her about making quilts for our veterans . These quilts will be for Kentucky and Indiana veterans. No particular theme in mind. What do you think?
If you are interested in doing these quilts, how do we want to them?
1. Do we want to hand out kits with material
2. Do we want to continue to have cutting parties
3. Do we give out the pattern and material and you cut your own
Barbara P. stated that the VA liked lap quilts because of the wheelchairs.
Please share your thoughts and ideas about helping our vets.
Lisa will continue to make kits at this time.
Do not buy batting for charity quilts, we have plenty at this time.

Activity of the Month – Jeannie K /Rachael B / Dianna S
Drawing for January Blue and White Winter Block--winner is Mary Lou R.
Feb... bring 2 ½ in X 44 in. (WOF) strips. Bring as many as you want. Any color or scrappy. You trade the amount you bring.
(Ex: if you bring 5, you trade and take back 5. )

Upcoming activities – Bonita W
Bonita out of town. Carol reported via email for Bonita.
Please check Carol’s email.

The traveling Quilt will be on display May 13 and 14th at the "Spring Festival" in Mt Washington.
This quilt created by Don Locke contains over 51,000 ½ in sqs. Titled "The Last Supper".
It has been in Ky one other time. Wow, sound like a road trip to me.

Treasure – Mary L
A financial report was on the table for you to pickup and review
Mary L collected 2011 dues

Membership – Anne K
Anne and Mary L collected 2011 dues. Anne handed out 2011 membership cards and cloths badge kits for new members.
If you are a new member or you have changed your email, be sure to give Anne your corrections and email addresses to update her list.

Hospitality – Julia G / Sharon K
Feb.refreshments----Janice B, Sallie A, Barbara P, Diana H

Demo – Janice B
Roz H.–Demo an easy and fun way to make Flying Geese.
Denise S.-- Demo easy and fun way to do miter binding.
Both demo’s were awesome. Thank You ladies.
Feb: demo Elise K. will show us how to "Tube Quilt"

A New Chair has been created for "King Quilt" for Shriners: Janice B - chairperson
Janice will be responsible choosing the pattern, material, organizing cutting, sewing and quilting for the 2012 " King Quilt" for the Shriners which will pay our rent.

Lisa T passed out the kits for 2011 King Quilt" for Shriners with directions. Please follow the directions closely. If you have any questions, problems please call Lisa T. or email her.
Sewn blocks are to be returned to Lisa at the Feb. meeting. Still needs volunteers for sewing the sashing and binding. Need volunteers to meet at Jeanne K. House to help hand quilt.

Janice B to do the "Silent Messenger" for the quilt.

Pictorial Directory: Lisa T.
New members please see Lisa to have your picture made for our directory. If anyone wants a retake see Lisa.

Show and Tell - Mary L / Mary Lou R
Lots of beautiful items were on display to share. Please bring your project to share with us. We all love Show n’ Tell.

Guild Blog Site - Diana H

Sew n Tell is now on facebook. Please everyone visit us on facebook, we need so many hits to stay on facebook.. Facebook will be open for everyone from Jan thru March to advertise QDO, after March it will be shut down and will be for members only.

Marie K. is still collecting sewing items and material for her church to send to Haiti. They will be teaching the Haitian people how to sew and make clothes and other items. Please bring donations to Marie at the Feb. Meeting.

Carol F will be ordering 2011 membership pins and souvenir pins for QDO, be sure to let her know if you want one. The 2011 membership pins will be a different color.

Please be a mentor to a new member. Help them to understand what we are about, what we do, our activities, QDO, round robins, etc....

Carol asked for two volunteers that might be interested in being prepped for the 2013 President Position.
Lisa T. and Vivian Shatley has volunteered to train for the president position.

Quilter’s Day Out Planning
March 19th, 2011 10am to 3pm.

We need volunteers for the day before and day of. Need volunteers to help set up and move tables, displays, etc... and to help take down and/or move tables, displays, cleanup etc. There will be a schedule made so everyone will have something fun to do. Lisa promised we can have a lunch this year hee,hee. :)
6 vendors this year, 3 on each side of the room. Donna Sharp totes, Goody bags, etc...This is sew exciting !!!

New quilt racks..Thanks to Janice and Mike B.......Thank You, Thank You !!
Your beautiful quilts will be displayed on our new racks in the quilt area.

Members you are asked to bring at least one quilt or quilted item for display. Something old or new, just not what you displayed last year, and it needs to be something you made.

Mary L. passed out tags for your items. Every item has to be tagged. See Mary L if you have questions about tagging. If you display more than one item please mark which item you want shown 1st, 2nd or 3rd, incase we run out of display room. If you want to sell it, price it.
Bring your quilt or quilted item for display to our Feb meeting. Mary L will be collecting all items until March 17th.

QDO Flyers have been sent out to other guilds, posted in quilt shops, sewing machine shops, newspapers, TV, and radio, blog spot and facebook. The word is out, but we still need word of mouth. Pass the news around help make this our best QDO turnout yet.

Bring all donations to our Feb meeting for QDO table....Books, magazines, patterns, material, etc..

Door prizes were passed out

Meeting adjourned 8:30pm

Next meeting: Feb. 24th, 6:30pm

Happy Quilting
Bea C