Thursday, November 19, 2009
Attendees: Carol F, Sandy V, Patsy S , Nancy F, Vivian S, Jo C, Mary Lou R, Audrey S, Janice B, Maxine B, Diana H, Sharon K. Paula N, Janet M, Dianna S, Bea C, Gerry K, Denise S, Anne K, Pam S, Jeanne K, Sally A, Maria O, Jane G, Julia G and Jeri C (new member 2010)
Visitors: Carolyn C, Leslie N and Lisa G
Blog information: go to Google search and type in
Check e-mail regularly! There will be lots of activity while we prepare for Quilter’s Day Out, March 20th.
Carol reviewed October minutes: Carol has a contact person at Kroger’s
The first QDO committee meeting is sometime the 2nd week in December Janice B is working on getting quilt hangers for QDO. Hollyhock Quilt Shop has committed to vendor and a door prize for QDO
Visitors were advised that since it is so close to year end they would not be expected to pay the 6 months dues but to please let Nancy F know if they planned to join . Dues are $15.00 and due January. If joining in July or later dues are $7.50.
Nancy F passed out a list of member addresses and other information for review.
Diana H announced there will be a Memorial Service for Barb Peacock on December 5th at St. John’s Presbyterian Church. As of Nov. 3rd she has complete details. The service will be at 2:00 pm. The church is located on the corner of 13th Street and Elm in New Albany.
Anne Kreported on charity quilts. We had a really good attendance at the last workshop. Anne delivered eight (8) quilts to the New Albany Battered Women’s Shelter. Next workshop will be in February, date to be announced. If we have other machine quilters in the group, it would be greatly appreciated if you would volunteer to quilt a twin size for us. Vivian S is our only machine quilter at the moment quilting charity quilts. As we all know she does a beautiful job, but we cannot expect her to quilt all of our quilts! If you are knew at machine quilting it would be great experience!
The group that attended the Spring Mill Retreat reported they had a great weekend. Cabin Fever Retreats did a great job.
Donna G organized the Christmas dinner for our next meeting, December 17th. If you were not at the meeting, and would like to bring something please e-mail/call Donna G. She’s trying to make sure we don’t have duplicates. We would love to see all our members. Bringing a dish is not required! The dinner will be held in the church hall. Go in the church off the parking lot through the glass lobby and down the stairs. For those having trouble with stairs, there is an elevator in the lobby. Please join us.
Visitor(s) were welcomed.
Jeanne K gave out our recipe books that she compiled from recipes turned in by members last month. I have a book for you if you turned a recipe in and were not at the meeting. It was decided if you would like to turn a recipe in, Jeanne will add it to the existing book and Carol F (Gene) will get them printed for QDO. The book we have has both first and last name. It will be redone for QDO to show first name and last initial.
Patsy S did a demo on “Random Fabric Weaving” from Embroidery Concepts in Sulky. How fun! I have a printout for those who were unable to attend.
2010 Committees were formed:
Membership Chair and Co-Chairs - - Nancy F, Donna G and Denise S.
Charity Quilt Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Anne K, Sandy V and Vivian S
Activity Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Diana H, Janice B and Dianna S
Activity of the Month Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Jeri C, Bea C and Sharon K
Hospitality Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Julia G and Jeanne K.
If you were not at the meeting and would like to volunteer for any of the above committees, please speak with members of the committee.
Show and tell was, as usual, a success.
Janet M shared info about the “Million Pillowcases” challenge. You can find more at:
Diana H shared a pattern – “Christmas Eve Blessings – go to
Anne K announced the Village Mercantile (Boonville, IN) has set January 8, 9, and 10 for their winter retreat. They will have more information forthcoming. There are only so many spots and like so many other retreats, previous attendees get in first. The sleeping arrangements are military bunk beds, dorm style, but if you want a fun weekend, and Steve’s cooking, check it out!
Carolyn C (visitor – hopefully, soon to be member) said she had gone to the New Frankfort Mercantile in Austin with her Garden Club for a luncheon (home cooked) and small craft project.
Vivian S told us about Justin E and his new business – T-Shirt quilts.
Vivian also announced that “Harriett’s Knitting Nook” has recently opened in Madison. For all you knitter’s, road trip!
I searched the web for information and didn’t find what I was looking for. Hopefully we can provide more info next meeting.
Carol sent me an e-mail after the meeting that she had received from Whittles Fabrics. Check them out at:
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Bonita W. Bonita’s mother passed away last week.
Next meeting: Thursday – December 17, 2009
6:00 pm – social / Christmas dinner
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Monday, November 30, 2009
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