Thursday, October 22, 2009
Attendees: Janice B, Carol F, Rachel B, Ros H, Gerry K, Sally A, Mary L, Maxine B, Dianna S, Barbara P, Lisa T, Janet M, Bonita W, Maria O, Julia G, Jeanne K, Anne W, Sandy V, Denise S, Bea C, Sharon K.
Visitors: Lisa G, Jeri C, Pat B, Leslie N and Donna M
Blog information: I have it set on a bookmark but had trouble going to it direct so I could tell you how to pull it up! Carol F provided the following:
Here's what I do. In the "search the web box"....I key in
THEN when the Google search box comes up...I key in ....Sew 'n' Tell Quilt Guild Blog
It comes right up.
The actual URL is
I never use this. I do what I just wrote above about searching on Google.
Charity Workshop November 7 - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – will be held at the church. Bring your machines, supplies and lunch. Anne K will e-mail you before hand with other specifics. Hope to see you there!
Carol thanked Anne K and Suzanne H for hosting Charity Day over this past year. Charity Day will be held quarterly going forward. 2010 dates will be announced.
The subject of nominations of officers was approached and discussions followed.
It was decided (I believe Anne W, 1st and Maria O2nd) the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chair and Historian would hold 2 year terms (current officers term to expire December 31, 2010) and committees will be opened each year for volunteers. Once those committees are formed those individual groups would vote on a chair person. Carol will e-mail you the list of committees prior to our next meeting.
Not part of the discussion but will be discussed at next meeting is when all this might take place. Nominations of officers will take place at October’s meeting and voted on at November’s. December will be the last meeting for the outgoing officer to preside. With regard to the committees, discussions will take place at October’s meeting and finalized in November. The president or secretary will e-mail (prior to the October meeting) the list of committees so you will have time to review and decide which committee you would like to work with or in the case of officers, which office you would like to run for.
Visitors were welcomed and introductions made.
Group activities that members have mentioned are:
Group Shop Hop – Anne W
National Show (attending) – Donna G
Sit and Sew – Jeanne K
Group Swap – Anne W
Quilter’s Day Out - Group to make items for gift baskets and door prizes – Mary L
It will be decided in January 2010 which of these activities to pursue and committees will be formed to implement them.
Quilter’s Day Out is fast approaching – Saturday, March 20, 2010
Anne W has donated one of her Barbie Doll Houses as a door prize;
Bonita W has donated a Quilter’s Basket (large reed basket) as a door prize and Barbara P talked with her employer, Donna Sharp, who has donated 50 small tote bags (for the first 50 quilter’s through the door) and 2 rolling duffle bags for door prizes.
Carol asked that each member provide one item they have made for display during QDO. It does not need to be a full size quilt. Throws, napkins, placemats, wall hangings, etc.
Another vendor has signed on – New Frankfort Mercantile from Austin, IN – See detail at end of minutes re: Craft Fair, Saturday, October 24th.
Janice B suggested compiling a “quick tips” sheet for distribution at QDO.
Carol suggested using our recipes we collected from members as an item for distribution also.
5 year anniversary pins were discussed. Carol passed out two samples. It was voted that Carol would ask Rob K
to design a Sew n Tell logo for the larger pin and guild members would purchase those ($4.00). The small gold pin would be used to indicate the 5 year anniversary (in 5 year increments) and the guild would purchase those pins ($2.00) as a gift to members celebrating a 5 – 10 – etc. anniversary.
Maria and Carol are checking our options to offer QDO pins to QDO attendees. The pin would have the year and could be collected each year similar to the Southern Indiana Shop Hop pins.
After I left the meeting:
It was decided that the activity of the month for November would be that each member bring a Christmas Fat Quarter with winner take all.
YES, the show 'n' tell was amazing. I’m sorry I missed it!
Janice B announced that she will be teaching beginning quilting at Austin's come January. I'm sure she will put out more details later.
Janice told members that Patsy S holds a class at her studio in Sellersburg the second Thursday of each month. Members can request to be on her mailing list by contacting Patsy. If she is out of town on business, she notifies class participants.
Next meeting: Thursday - November 19, 2009
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Check the blog for upcoming meeting dates!
Upcoming events:
9:00 TO 5:00
I-65 to Austin Exit #34. Turn right onto 256 and drive approximately 5 miles (look for mile marker 12). There’s a road on the right with a sign "Quilt Shop" (New Frankfort Rd.) Drive about 1 mile and it’s located on the right of an "S" curve. Small farm house.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sew n Tell minutes
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Attendees: Janice B, Barbara T, Ann K, Vivian S, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ros H, Deborah W(Guest), Gerry K, Marie K, Sally A(new member), Mary L, Paula N, Maxine B, Dianna S, Donna G, Barbara P, Lisa T, Pam S, Janet M, Bonita W, Maria O, Julia G and Jeanne K.
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
It was decided to revisit the guild’s annual activity. Since not many are attending the October retreat Carol would like suggestions of an activity we may all be able to attend. Donna G suggested a National Quilt Show. If you have info on retreats, shows or any other activity the group could participate in as a group, please bring your info to a meeting to share.
Carol discussed 2010 Quilter’s Day Out. She will be talking to the group that attends Lora Nale’s retreat at Clifty Falls in March just to inform them of the event and extending an invitation to attend.
•The main committee is in place and those members are:
Mary L, Lisa T, Nancy F, Bonita W and Carol F
•Sub-committee volunteers are: Vivian S, Barbara T, Dianna S, Janice B, Maxine B, Ros H, Rachel B, Gerry K and Anne K.
Other activities:
Fliers are being printed by Duplicator Sales and Service, courtesy of Gene F and Designed by Rob K (and Anne)
Location: church – FREE
Vendor: Quilting B
Banners – Interior : Anne K Exterior: Nancy F
Advertising: Lisa T
Hanging quilts: Janice B
Door prize – so far we have one : Old Country Store cookbooks
Donations: need books and patterns from guild members
Items for the “goody bags” – Mary L - something from dentist
Maria O –
Carol and/or Ros will talk with Krogers
Projects: Members are encouraged to show a quilt or project
Hand quilting: Jeannie K and Anne K
The guild will celebrate 5 years since inception in April, 2010. It was decided that all members would receive a pin on their 5th anniversary. Nancy has new members’ joined dates but for those of us who joined early than the first of this year, please let Nancy know what year for her records.
Maria and Anne will have a trunk showing of their jewelry at the October meeting.
CHARITY QUILT WORKSHOP: Saturday, November 7 / 10 am to 3 pm at the church. More details at October meeting. As of September meeting Anne K announced the group has donated 21 baby quilts, 4 lap quilts and 8 twin size quilts. Several more are in process and/or out to be quilted by our very own Vivian S. Each month Anne will bring “kits” for those who would like to donate their time, but cannot attend the workshops.
Activity of the month: Bring ONE holiday recipe and Jeannie K will consolidate them into a “cookbook” for distribution at the November meeting.
Janice B (filling in for Patsy) demonstrated how to make a holiday napkin. She chose Christmas material but any holiday fabric would work. If you missed it, check with Janice. It looked difficult but in fact is a very easy technique.
Upcoming demonstration:
Anne Koetter - October
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
There is a new quilt shop in Austin, Indiana on Route 31. Hopefully at the October meeting someone will have more information.
Next meeting: Thursday October 22, 2009
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Check the blog for upcoming meeting dates!
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
• L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month Last chance - Oct. 31st. You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
Attendees: Janice B, Barbara T, Ann K, Vivian S, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ros H, Deborah W(Guest), Gerry K, Marie K, Sally A(new member), Mary L, Paula N, Maxine B, Dianna S, Donna G, Barbara P, Lisa T, Pam S, Janet M, Bonita W, Maria O, Julia G and Jeanne K.
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
It was decided to revisit the guild’s annual activity. Since not many are attending the October retreat Carol would like suggestions of an activity we may all be able to attend. Donna G suggested a National Quilt Show. If you have info on retreats, shows or any other activity the group could participate in as a group, please bring your info to a meeting to share.
Carol discussed 2010 Quilter’s Day Out. She will be talking to the group that attends Lora Nale’s retreat at Clifty Falls in March just to inform them of the event and extending an invitation to attend.
•The main committee is in place and those members are:
Mary L, Lisa T, Nancy F, Bonita W and Carol F
•Sub-committee volunteers are: Vivian S, Barbara T, Dianna S, Janice B, Maxine B, Ros H, Rachel B, Gerry K and Anne K.
Other activities:
Fliers are being printed by Duplicator Sales and Service, courtesy of Gene F and Designed by Rob K (and Anne)
Location: church – FREE
Vendor: Quilting B
Banners – Interior : Anne K Exterior: Nancy F
Advertising: Lisa T
Hanging quilts: Janice B
Door prize – so far we have one : Old Country Store cookbooks
Donations: need books and patterns from guild members
Items for the “goody bags” – Mary L - something from dentist
Maria O –
Carol and/or Ros will talk with Krogers
Projects: Members are encouraged to show a quilt or project
Hand quilting: Jeannie K and Anne K
The guild will celebrate 5 years since inception in April, 2010. It was decided that all members would receive a pin on their 5th anniversary. Nancy has new members’ joined dates but for those of us who joined early than the first of this year, please let Nancy know what year for her records.
Maria and Anne will have a trunk showing of their jewelry at the October meeting.
CHARITY QUILT WORKSHOP: Saturday, November 7 / 10 am to 3 pm at the church. More details at October meeting. As of September meeting Anne K announced the group has donated 21 baby quilts, 4 lap quilts and 8 twin size quilts. Several more are in process and/or out to be quilted by our very own Vivian S. Each month Anne will bring “kits” for those who would like to donate their time, but cannot attend the workshops.
Activity of the month: Bring ONE holiday recipe and Jeannie K will consolidate them into a “cookbook” for distribution at the November meeting.
Janice B (filling in for Patsy) demonstrated how to make a holiday napkin. She chose Christmas material but any holiday fabric would work. If you missed it, check with Janice. It looked difficult but in fact is a very easy technique.
Upcoming demonstration:
Anne Koetter - October
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
There is a new quilt shop in Austin, Indiana on Route 31. Hopefully at the October meeting someone will have more information.
Next meeting: Thursday October 22, 2009
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Check the blog for upcoming meeting dates!
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
• L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month Last chance - Oct. 31st. You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
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