Posted by Diana H.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
An Interesting Find
Posted by Diana H.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Attendees: Carol F, Sandy V, Patsy S , Nancy F, Vivian S, Jo C, Mary Lou R, Audrey S, Janice B, Maxine B, Diana H, Sharon K. Paula N, Janet M, Dianna S, Bea C, Gerry K, Denise S, Anne K, Pam S, Jeanne K, Sally A, Maria O, Jane G, Julia G and Jeri C (new member 2010)
Visitors: Carolyn C, Leslie N and Lisa G
Blog information: go to Google search and type in
Check e-mail regularly! There will be lots of activity while we prepare for Quilter’s Day Out, March 20th.
Carol reviewed October minutes: Carol has a contact person at Kroger’s
The first QDO committee meeting is sometime the 2nd week in December Janice B is working on getting quilt hangers for QDO. Hollyhock Quilt Shop has committed to vendor and a door prize for QDO
Visitors were advised that since it is so close to year end they would not be expected to pay the 6 months dues but to please let Nancy F know if they planned to join . Dues are $15.00 and due January. If joining in July or later dues are $7.50.
Nancy F passed out a list of member addresses and other information for review.
Diana H announced there will be a Memorial Service for Barb Peacock on December 5th at St. John’s Presbyterian Church. As of Nov. 3rd she has complete details. The service will be at 2:00 pm. The church is located on the corner of 13th Street and Elm in New Albany.
Anne Kreported on charity quilts. We had a really good attendance at the last workshop. Anne delivered eight (8) quilts to the New Albany Battered Women’s Shelter. Next workshop will be in February, date to be announced. If we have other machine quilters in the group, it would be greatly appreciated if you would volunteer to quilt a twin size for us. Vivian S is our only machine quilter at the moment quilting charity quilts. As we all know she does a beautiful job, but we cannot expect her to quilt all of our quilts! If you are knew at machine quilting it would be great experience!
The group that attended the Spring Mill Retreat reported they had a great weekend. Cabin Fever Retreats did a great job.
Donna G organized the Christmas dinner for our next meeting, December 17th. If you were not at the meeting, and would like to bring something please e-mail/call Donna G. She’s trying to make sure we don’t have duplicates. We would love to see all our members. Bringing a dish is not required! The dinner will be held in the church hall. Go in the church off the parking lot through the glass lobby and down the stairs. For those having trouble with stairs, there is an elevator in the lobby. Please join us.
Visitor(s) were welcomed.
Jeanne K gave out our recipe books that she compiled from recipes turned in by members last month. I have a book for you if you turned a recipe in and were not at the meeting. It was decided if you would like to turn a recipe in, Jeanne will add it to the existing book and Carol F (Gene) will get them printed for QDO. The book we have has both first and last name. It will be redone for QDO to show first name and last initial.
Patsy S did a demo on “Random Fabric Weaving” from Embroidery Concepts in Sulky. How fun! I have a printout for those who were unable to attend.
2010 Committees were formed:
Membership Chair and Co-Chairs - - Nancy F, Donna G and Denise S.
Charity Quilt Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Anne K, Sandy V and Vivian S
Activity Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Diana H, Janice B and Dianna S
Activity of the Month Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Jeri C, Bea C and Sharon K
Hospitality Coordinator and Co-Chairs - - Julia G and Jeanne K.
If you were not at the meeting and would like to volunteer for any of the above committees, please speak with members of the committee.
Show and tell was, as usual, a success.
Janet M shared info about the “Million Pillowcases” challenge. You can find more at:
Diana H shared a pattern – “Christmas Eve Blessings – go to
Anne K announced the Village Mercantile (Boonville, IN) has set January 8, 9, and 10 for their winter retreat. They will have more information forthcoming. There are only so many spots and like so many other retreats, previous attendees get in first. The sleeping arrangements are military bunk beds, dorm style, but if you want a fun weekend, and Steve’s cooking, check it out!
Carolyn C (visitor – hopefully, soon to be member) said she had gone to the New Frankfort Mercantile in Austin with her Garden Club for a luncheon (home cooked) and small craft project.
Vivian S told us about Justin E and his new business – T-Shirt quilts.
Vivian also announced that “Harriett’s Knitting Nook” has recently opened in Madison. For all you knitter’s, road trip!
I searched the web for information and didn’t find what I was looking for. Hopefully we can provide more info next meeting.
Carol sent me an e-mail after the meeting that she had received from Whittles Fabrics. Check them out at:
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Bonita W. Bonita’s mother passed away last week.
Next meeting: Thursday – December 17, 2009
6:00 pm – social / Christmas dinner
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sew n Tell minutes
Attendees: Janice B, Carol F, Rachel B, Ros H, Gerry K, Sally A, Mary L, Maxine B, Dianna S, Barbara P, Lisa T, Janet M, Bonita W, Maria O, Julia G, Jeanne K, Anne W, Sandy V, Denise S, Bea C, Sharon K.
Visitors: Lisa G, Jeri C, Pat B, Leslie N and Donna M
Blog information: I have it set on a bookmark but had trouble going to it direct so I could tell you how to pull it up! Carol F provided the following:
Here's what I do. In the "search the web box"....I key in
THEN when the Google search box comes up...I key in ....Sew 'n' Tell Quilt Guild Blog
It comes right up.
The actual URL is
I never use this. I do what I just wrote above about searching on Google.
Charity Workshop November 7 - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm – will be held at the church. Bring your machines, supplies and lunch. Anne K will e-mail you before hand with other specifics. Hope to see you there!
Carol thanked Anne K and Suzanne H for hosting Charity Day over this past year. Charity Day will be held quarterly going forward. 2010 dates will be announced.
The subject of nominations of officers was approached and discussions followed.
It was decided (I believe Anne W, 1st and Maria O2nd) the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chair and Historian would hold 2 year terms (current officers term to expire December 31, 2010) and committees will be opened each year for volunteers. Once those committees are formed those individual groups would vote on a chair person. Carol will e-mail you the list of committees prior to our next meeting.
Not part of the discussion but will be discussed at next meeting is when all this might take place. Nominations of officers will take place at October’s meeting and voted on at November’s. December will be the last meeting for the outgoing officer to preside. With regard to the committees, discussions will take place at October’s meeting and finalized in November. The president or secretary will e-mail (prior to the October meeting) the list of committees so you will have time to review and decide which committee you would like to work with or in the case of officers, which office you would like to run for.
Visitors were welcomed and introductions made.
Group activities that members have mentioned are:
Group Shop Hop – Anne W
National Show (attending) – Donna G
Sit and Sew – Jeanne K
Group Swap – Anne W
Quilter’s Day Out - Group to make items for gift baskets and door prizes – Mary L
It will be decided in January 2010 which of these activities to pursue and committees will be formed to implement them.
Quilter’s Day Out is fast approaching – Saturday, March 20, 2010
Anne W has donated one of her Barbie Doll Houses as a door prize;
Bonita W has donated a Quilter’s Basket (large reed basket) as a door prize and Barbara P talked with her employer, Donna Sharp, who has donated 50 small tote bags (for the first 50 quilter’s through the door) and 2 rolling duffle bags for door prizes.
Carol asked that each member provide one item they have made for display during QDO. It does not need to be a full size quilt. Throws, napkins, placemats, wall hangings, etc.
Another vendor has signed on – New Frankfort Mercantile from Austin, IN – See detail at end of minutes re: Craft Fair, Saturday, October 24th.
Janice B suggested compiling a “quick tips” sheet for distribution at QDO.
Carol suggested using our recipes we collected from members as an item for distribution also.
5 year anniversary pins were discussed. Carol passed out two samples. It was voted that Carol would ask Rob K
to design a Sew n Tell logo for the larger pin and guild members would purchase those ($4.00). The small gold pin would be used to indicate the 5 year anniversary (in 5 year increments) and the guild would purchase those pins ($2.00) as a gift to members celebrating a 5 – 10 – etc. anniversary.
Maria and Carol are checking our options to offer QDO pins to QDO attendees. The pin would have the year and could be collected each year similar to the Southern Indiana Shop Hop pins.
After I left the meeting:
It was decided that the activity of the month for November would be that each member bring a Christmas Fat Quarter with winner take all.
YES, the show 'n' tell was amazing. I’m sorry I missed it!
Janice B announced that she will be teaching beginning quilting at Austin's come January. I'm sure she will put out more details later.
Janice told members that Patsy S holds a class at her studio in Sellersburg the second Thursday of each month. Members can request to be on her mailing list by contacting Patsy. If she is out of town on business, she notifies class participants.
Next meeting: Thursday - November 19, 2009
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Check the blog for upcoming meeting dates!
Upcoming events:
9:00 TO 5:00
I-65 to Austin Exit #34. Turn right onto 256 and drive approximately 5 miles (look for mile marker 12). There’s a road on the right with a sign "Quilt Shop" (New Frankfort Rd.) Drive about 1 mile and it’s located on the right of an "S" curve. Small farm house.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sew n Tell minutes
Attendees: Janice B, Barbara T, Ann K, Vivian S, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ros H, Deborah W(Guest), Gerry K, Marie K, Sally A(new member), Mary L, Paula N, Maxine B, Dianna S, Donna G, Barbara P, Lisa T, Pam S, Janet M, Bonita W, Maria O, Julia G and Jeanne K.
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
It was decided to revisit the guild’s annual activity. Since not many are attending the October retreat Carol would like suggestions of an activity we may all be able to attend. Donna G suggested a National Quilt Show. If you have info on retreats, shows or any other activity the group could participate in as a group, please bring your info to a meeting to share.
Carol discussed 2010 Quilter’s Day Out. She will be talking to the group that attends Lora Nale’s retreat at Clifty Falls in March just to inform them of the event and extending an invitation to attend.
•The main committee is in place and those members are:
Mary L, Lisa T, Nancy F, Bonita W and Carol F
•Sub-committee volunteers are: Vivian S, Barbara T, Dianna S, Janice B, Maxine B, Ros H, Rachel B, Gerry K and Anne K.
Other activities:
Fliers are being printed by Duplicator Sales and Service, courtesy of Gene F and Designed by Rob K (and Anne)
Location: church – FREE
Vendor: Quilting B
Banners – Interior : Anne K Exterior: Nancy F
Advertising: Lisa T
Hanging quilts: Janice B
Door prize – so far we have one : Old Country Store cookbooks
Donations: need books and patterns from guild members
Items for the “goody bags” – Mary L - something from dentist
Maria O –
Carol and/or Ros will talk with Krogers
Projects: Members are encouraged to show a quilt or project
Hand quilting: Jeannie K and Anne K
The guild will celebrate 5 years since inception in April, 2010. It was decided that all members would receive a pin on their 5th anniversary. Nancy has new members’ joined dates but for those of us who joined early than the first of this year, please let Nancy know what year for her records.
Maria and Anne will have a trunk showing of their jewelry at the October meeting.
CHARITY QUILT WORKSHOP: Saturday, November 7 / 10 am to 3 pm at the church. More details at October meeting. As of September meeting Anne K announced the group has donated 21 baby quilts, 4 lap quilts and 8 twin size quilts. Several more are in process and/or out to be quilted by our very own Vivian S. Each month Anne will bring “kits” for those who would like to donate their time, but cannot attend the workshops.
Activity of the month: Bring ONE holiday recipe and Jeannie K will consolidate them into a “cookbook” for distribution at the November meeting.
Janice B (filling in for Patsy) demonstrated how to make a holiday napkin. She chose Christmas material but any holiday fabric would work. If you missed it, check with Janice. It looked difficult but in fact is a very easy technique.
Upcoming demonstration:
Anne Koetter - October
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
There is a new quilt shop in Austin, Indiana on Route 31. Hopefully at the October meeting someone will have more information.
Next meeting: Thursday October 22, 2009
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Check the blog for upcoming meeting dates!
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
• L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month Last chance - Oct. 31st. You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
August 27, 2009 minutes
Attendees: Janice B, Diana H, Barbara T, Ann K, Vivian S, Carol F, Rachel B,
Nancy F, Ros H, Jerry K, Maxine B, Dianna S, Donna G, Jane G, Barbara P, Sandy V, Jo C, Mary Lou R, Denise S, Lisa T, Pam S (renewing member) Bea C, Sharon K,
Janet M, Bonita W (new member), Maria O, Julia G and Jeanne K.
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
Bonita W purchased Transfer Ease at the Knoxville show and shared information about it.
Reminder: Quilts for the Edwardsville show must be dropped off at the Quilting Bee before by Noon on Thursday, September 24th. Must have a sleeve for hanging and a label or card attached to the front. The block is the Mexican Star.
Barbara T reminded us the Quilt Retreat in October was to be paid in full.
Carol F opened a discussion on Quilter’s Day Out. Ros H will pass out a survey to be turned back in at the October meeting. The survey is in regard to new ideas, comments on last year and volunteering commitments. Carol has already taken care of the 2010 flyers. Someone is providing the paper, ink and the copy service for free! Sandy Voyles said the church has offered space to hold the even at no charge. After a brief discussion we voted to move the event from Clarksville to the church (Donna G 1st and Lisa T 2nd). The overall space is larger and there is more parking. We will talk with the Quilting Bee about borrowing the quilt frames used during the Edwardsville show. is offering 2 free books in exchange for passing out their cards at the event. The books could be used for door prizes.
It was decided to make a contribution to the church for use of the space to hold our meetings. Dianna S suggested $300. We will also give them a percentage of what we earn during Quilter’s Day Out. (Vivian S 1st and Dianna 2nd).
It was decided that we would hold a Charity Day workshop approximately quarterly. The next work day will be Saturday, November 7 and will be held at the church.
Anne K will still have “kits” that she will bring to the meetings for those who won’t be able to attend the workshops but would like to make a top at home.
Denise S won the foundation pieced blocks and Rachel B took the collection of
2 ¼ “ strips. Next Activity of the Month: up to 3 fat quarters with a Halloween theme.
Bonita W noted that was having a sale.
Shared projects and finished quilts during Show and Tell.
Janice B, Jeannie K and Vivian S all have new Grandbaby boys.
Upcoming demonstrations:
Patsy S – September
Anne K - October
Janice B – November
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
Next meeting: Thursday September 24th.
6:00 pm Social time
6:30 pm Meeting
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
•Stream Cliff farm (Close to N. Vernon / Sharon’s Quilt Box) – Quilt shows July 12 (10-4) and September 19 (10-4)
• L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month Last chance - Oct. 31st. You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
There’s some great places to eat downtown Madison and you can also visit Margie’s quilt shop
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Subscribing to a Blog
The easiest (I think) subscription is through Google Reader. You need to have a Google account--which means you simply have to set up a gmail account. You don't have to use gmail if you don't want to, but setting up the account gives you access to several services that Google offers.
After setting up a Google account, get on the Google homepage (where you do the searches). When it appears, there should be a line at the top of the page with several of the services available, such as "images", "video", "news", etc. Click on the "more" button and look for "reader." That takes you to the reader page. On the right is a place for you to sign in with your gmail address and password. Once you sign in it will take you to Google reader.
There is an "add subscription" button at the top. If you click on that, you will be prompted to type in the web address of the blog you want to subscribe to. You can copy and paste any blog or web page address that has what is called a "feed," (like this one).
Once you have the subscription set up, any time the blog is updated, its name will appear in bold print.
That makes it really easy to check out new blog posts simply by logging into Google reader.
Many quilt designers, fabric companies, and fabric designers have blogs. Also, lots of regular quilters blog about their current projects. It's really fun to check out what different people are working on, and it's a great way to keep up to date on quilting news. Many bloggers post free patterns and tutorials for new techniques.
Here are some good places to get you started:
Diane Gaudynski's A New Tradition in Quilting
Moda Bake Shop
Minick & Simpson Blog
Barbara Brackman's Material Culture
Pin Penguin
P.S. There are other subscription services that you can use, but I think Google reader is the simplest to set up and to access.
Tired of Simple Stipple?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Attendees: Janice B, Diana H, Barbara T, Ann K, Vivian S, Mary L, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ros H, Jerry K, Maxine B, Dianna S, Donna G, Jane G, Barbara P, Sandy V, Jo C, Mary Lou R, Denise S (new member).
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
Carol advised she has reserved the Community Center for March 20, 2010 for our Quilter’s Day Out event. She discussed available funds in the guild’s account. $848.12 to be exact. We have set aside $450 for Community Center rental and discussed if we want to spend most of the balance and how. Ann K suggested a donation to the church. Sandy V explained what the Womens Connection through the church is all about. The Connection provides assistance by way of retreats, scholarships and ministry to all women in various stages of their lives. There is also a Special Offering fund, however, it was agreed that a donation will be given to the Womens Connection. (Donna G with Ros H second). It will be decided at an upcoming meeting as to how much will be donated. Vivian S said at her previous guild not only did the guild make a donation, but individual members (on a voluntary basis) made a contribution to. It was also discussed that any extra funds left in the account may pay for members to attend the Bloomington Quilt Show next year. This will also be discussed at an upcoming meeting.
Back to Quilter’s Day Out. Ros H will pass out a survey in September to be turned back in at the October meeting. The survey is in regard to new ideas, comments on last year and volunteering commitments.
Anne K will do a write up about our mystery quilt entries into the Edwardsville Quilt show September 25 and 26. Quilts are to be delivered to show sponsors on September 21 so you will need to get your quilt to Barbara T (I think) before then. We will discuss at August 27 meeting. Quilts need a sleeve and label to be submitted.
Anne also is hosting Charity Quilt Workshop on July 11. (Since this report is so late, I can say the workshop was cancelled due to no response). Anne gave Vivian S three more finished tops to quilt. Vivian, we really do appreciate your help!
Barbara T collected the $100 deposit from members for the Log Cabin Retreat at Spring Mill. Don’t forget the other $80 is due at the September 24 meeting.
Activity of the Month – July’s activity is being held over until this next meeting August 27. It is the cat or heart paper piecing. Several people didn’t have a chance to get theirs made and it was decided to hold it over. It was decided that we would go ahead with an August activity of the month also to be turned in at the August 27 meeting.
It’s an easy one! Bring up to three strips of fabric that measure 2 ½” wide by WOF (width of fabric – approx. 42” long) in FALL colors/motif. Some lucky member will end up with a “jelly roll”.
Rachel B will bring treats to the August 27 meeting. If you would like to volunteer to help Rachel please let her know.
Diana H visited with Barbara P. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Barbara. You may send cards to 1124 Carriage Lane, New Albany, IN 47150.
Thoughts and prayers also go out to Audrey S. Audrey’s sister who lived in Oregon passed away in July.
Sandy V will be taking orders for mums being sold by the Women’s Connection at the August meeting. Cost is $7.00 and you will be able to pick them up at the church on Sunday, September 13.
Barbara T demonstrated the square in a square method from Jodie Barrow’s book Advancing on II. There are 17 options!
Upcoming demonstrations:
Ros H – August
Patsy S – September
Anne K - October
Janice B – November
Mary L said the new Family Dollar on Charlestown Road had the hair clips to hold bindings while sewing 12 for $1.00.
Don’t forget to ask if the quilt shop you’re shopping in honors your guild membership. Most do and any discount is a good thing!
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
• Lake Cumberland Quilt Fest Aug 21 -22
Center for Rural Development in Somerset KY
Featured speaker: Helen Squire; also Shirley Adams of The Sewing Connection
And Quilt in a Day teachers – Peggy Stenson and Polly Taylor
See for registration,
• Daviess County Amish Quilt Show Auction – September 5
Simon J Grader Community Building in Cannelburg, IN
Doors open – 8:00 a.m. / Quilts Auctioned – 12:00 Noon
(Halfway between Montgomery & Loogootee, IN)
Craft booths, demonstrations, Amish bake sale and Amish dinner
For information call Lucille Dillon 812-486-3491 or 812-698-1697
• Quilt National 2009 – May 23 – September 7
Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, OH
16TH biennial juried exhibition of contemporary art quilts (85 quilt 25 states
13 foreign countries)
• Stream Cliff farm (Close to N. Vernon / Sharon’s Quilt Box) – Quilt shows July 12 (10-4) and September 20 (10-4)
• L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month ( Aug. 29 and Oct. 31). You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
There’s some great places to eat downtown Madison and you can also visit Margie’s quilt shop
• Quilts in the Park – September 10-13, 2009
Sponsored by: Spring Valley Quilt Guild, Falls Park, Pendleton, IN
(Located just north east of Indianapolis, IN)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Moda Bake Shop
To check out posts from previous months, just click on a month on the sidebar on the left under Recipes. At last count there were over 90 patterns listed.
One of my favorites is the Charmed Gift Bags. You can make three bags out of four fat quarters.
It's definitely worth checking out, especially if you have a few charm packs or jelly rolls that you're not sure what to do with. And, of course, you don't need to use precuts--you can simply cut from your stash!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Cotton Theory Class - Aug 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Members: Janice B, Diana H, Barbara T, Patsy S, Ann, Vivian S, Mary L, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ross H, Jerry K, Audrey S, Jeanne K, Sharon, Maxine B, Janet M, Dianna S, Maria O, Donna G, Jane G and Barbara P (new member).
Vistors: Bonita W and Denise S
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors.
Maria O offered a current financial report. After review there were no questions. Members agreed we should hold a certain portion of available cash for the 2010 Quilter’s Day Out hall rental.
Janice B shared an idea for consideration for 2010 QDO. Members donating items (her example was her daughter makes jewelry and for an event she donated pieces) and raffling them. Maria noted we may not be able to raffle. Janice’s idea was noted by Carol F and will be discussed later in the year when we start planning for QDO.
Donna G suggested asking other guilds in the area to join us for QDO. Lots of discussion on that one. It was decided, due to space limitations on the current facility, that we may ask if other guilds would like to participate in the demonstrations threw out the day. Carol F noted the suggestion and it will also be discussed during the planning stages.
Nancy Fdistributed name tags and membership cards plus kits to make cloth name tags to match our quilds’ guilt. Nancy e-mailed members the current roster. If you have changes, please let Nancy know.
Anne Kshowed several of the Charity quilts that have been turned in. The next gathering will be July 11, 10 am – 3pm (or anytime between) at Anne’s house. She will send a reminder with details closer to that date.
Anne shared information about the Amish quit shop, Waglers Quilts & Crafts. 4413 Rd. 200 North, Montgomery, In. It is outside Washington, Indiana. They accept cash and checks only. Lots of nice fabrics for $6.00. Also sale items. Go on a cool clear sunny day! That translates to - no lights or air conditioning. They do have a phone number (but no electric?) 812-486-3836. She also shared info on the upcoming Amish Quilt Auction. See details in the upcoming events list below
Anne also showed to large bags the she has made for classes. See Anne for class times.
Barbara T added to the upcoming events list.
Forget Me Knot is celebrating their 6th anniversary. All fabric is $6.00/yard. Today, Friday, June 26 and Saturday, June 27 - !!
Southern Indiana Shop Hop ends tomorrow, June 27. !!
Creative Festival in Cincinnati, OH - June 25 – 27 !!
Sharonville Convention Center
Sewing – Quilting – Crafts Expo – Carol has attended – it is very nice
Penny Sisto – Carnegie Center until July 11
Quilt Expo in Knoxville TN July 22 - 25
Knoxville Convention Center
Happy Hearts Quilt Shop is sponsoring A bus
Lake Cumberland Quilt Fest Aug 21 -22
Center for Rural Development in Somerset KY
Featured speaker: Helen Squire; also Shirley Adams of The Sewing Connection
And Quilt in a Day teachers – Peggy Stenson and Polly Taylor
See for registration,
Daviess County Amish Quilt Show Auction – September 5
Simon J Grader Community Building in Cannelburg, IN
Doors open – 8:00 a.m. / Quilts Auctioned – 12:00 Noon
(Halfway between Montgomery & Loogootee, IN)
Craft booths, demonstrations, Amish bake sale and Amish dinner
For information call Lucille Dillon 812-486-3491 or 812-698-1697
Quilt National 2009 – May 23 – September 7
Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, OH
16TH biennial juried exhibition of contemporary art quilts (85 quilt 25 states 13 foreign
Barbara also needs to know if you plan to attend the Spring Mill retreat October 30 through November 1, Sign-up sheets and $100 deposit need to be turned in at next meeting, August 27th.
Audrey noticed we didn’t have a scheduled lunch on Saturday. Barbara will clear that up with the people who are organizing the retreat.
The Smocking Shop opened a new location at 193 E English Station Rd in Louisville. This location is a sewing machine center. No fabric. You can call Debbie Jenkins at 409-9664 or e-mail
Activity of the Month due July meeting. Audrey passed out paper piecing blocks of a cat or a heart. These are beginner patterns so if this is your first paper piece project it shouldn’t be too difficult.
Diana H reminded us to let her know if you would like to post to the blog. She has to send you an invitation since she is the “official” administrator.
Our mystery quilt pattern was to have had instructions to piece a second quilt (table runner) from the scraps. Diana is going to look at the pattern and determine if it actually works and if so get us the instructions.
Upcoming demonstrations:
Barbar T – July
Ros H – August
Patsy S – September
(You) ?? - October
Janice B – November
Barbara P shared with us what she does for “Quilts by Donna”. Barbara does beautiful work!
Dianna S – shared the experience I had while at the Ricky Tim’s La Veta Quilt Retreat and showed a small quilt top that was made while there.
Mary L demonstrated how to make a pillowcase for a bed pillow. She even had a small sample for everyone!
Those who made the mystery quilt shared them with the group.
Show and Tell was once again a success.
Door prizes were won.
Meeting adjourned
Dianna S
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Minnesota Quilt Designer's Blog Hop
If you're not too tired out from our local shop hop it's worth checking out. Best part--NO DRIVING!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Guild member wins ribbons!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Pre-Cut Improv from Barbara Brackman

Got a bunch of jelly rolls, layer cakes, charms, or other pre-cuts you're not sure what to do with? Barbara Brackman has a PDF pre-cut fabric calculator so you'll know the sizes of triangles, squares, and strips you can make with these. She also shows several ideas for improvising small quilts using pre-cuts.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009 attendees:
Members: Maxine B, Janice B, Diana H, Barbara T, Patsy S, Ann K, Vivian S, Mary L, Carol F, Rachel B, Nancy F, Ross H, Paula N, Gerry K, Audrey S, Julia G, Jeanne K, Barb P, Bea C and Sharon K
Vistors: Sally A, Beth Ann and Barbara P
Carol F welcomed new members and visitors. Nancy distributed name tags and membership cards plus kits to make cloth name tags to match our quilds’ guilt. She also passed out the membership directory to verify the information. The directory will be handed out at June 25th meeting.
Anne K discussed her upcoming classes and Charity quilt workshop. Next workshop is June 13th 10am to 3pm or anytime between. Vivian returned two quilts that she quilted for us and Barbara T took one home to bind. If you would want to volunteer to bind the other, please call Anne. Anne has also put together twin size quilt kits for those who may not be able to attend the workshops but would like to contribute.
Barbara T reminded everyone about the Southern Indiana Shop Hop - June 20th through 27th. Saturday, May 30th was L&L Yard Goods 20% off with your purchased tote bag. Hope you took advantage the good deal.
Barbara passed out registration forms for the guild's Spring Mill retreat October 30 - 31 -Nov 1. We will be in the Elm Room which holds 18-20 people. $100 deposit is due by July 23rd with the balance ($80) due August 27th. We will be offered a 25% discount at Craft Town in Salem.
Dianna H reported on the new BLOG! If you are interested in posting info let Diana know and she will send you an invitation. If you post something remember we DO NOT USE LAST NAMES. Check out
Patsy S is having a Cotton Theory Class on June 13th. She provided info regarding class. Bring your own sewing machine and fabrics.
Mary L (new member!) provided information on a retreat at Palestine High School in Palestine, Ohio. Held April 16, 17 and 18 (2010) Sign up in February. Cost: $116 plus $25 donation ($140) Six people to a room (twin bunk beds) More later in the year.
Barbara P has volunteered to show us what her job is at Quilts by Donna
Vivian S demonstrated the Aunt Philly's Oval Toothbrush Rug. Directions were passed out.
Upcoming demonstrations:
June - Pillow case / Mary L
July - Square in a Square / Barbara T
Activity of the Month: Anne K won the fat quarters
Jeanne K handed out a square of fabric to each person who wanted to participate. The fabric is to be “used somewhere” in a block of our choice. The unfinished block should be 9 ½”.
Diana H - Mystery Quilt #5 (Mexican Star) Diana distributed the finishing instructions. For those who are interest, the quilts will be shown at the Edwardsville Methodist Church Quilt Show in September. Bring your finished quilt to August 28th meeting for show and tell.
Show and tell: We continue to have great participation in show and tell. Thanks to Diana H, Audrey S, Julia G, Anne K, Vivian S, Mary L, Sharon K, Janice B and Bea C.
Anne K and Janice B will provide refreshments for June.
Ideas for the membership book: All dates of meetings
Members complete info
extra pages for adding new ideas and members
Door prizes won by:
Audrey S, Julia G, Jeanne K, Carol F,Mary L, Nancy F,Janice B
Book mark our blog! As our blog grows and members contribute you will find upcoming meetings, activities, classes, retreats, events and more.
Minutes taken by Nancy Foster - Thank You
Dianna Saylor
Reminder of upcoming events follows:
· Penny Sisto exhibit – The Carnegie Museum, May 22 – July ?
- Shipshewana Quilt Festival
June 24 -27 – 1-866-243-9434 for details
(Located north of Fort Wayne, IN)
- Southern Indiana Shop Hop
June 20 through June 27, 2009. See your local Southern Indiana Quilt Shop for details or visit
- Stars Over Indiana Shop Hop – July 10-18, 2009 (Central Indiana)
Anderson, IN / Greenfield, IN / Liberty, IN / Pendleton, IN / Richmond, IN / Rushville, IN / Shelbyville, IN
- Stream Cliff farm (Close to N. Vernon / Sharon’s Quilt Box) – Quilt shows July 12 (10-4) and September 20 (10-4)
- L&L Yard Goods (Madison, IN) has a 20% off sale the 5th Friday of the Month ( Aug. 29 and Oct. 31). You will need to purchase the “bag” for $5.00 and then bring it with you each 5th Friday. Days other than 5th Fri. bring bag, purchase $10 or more and get free fat quarter.
There’s some great places to eat downtown Madison and you can also visit Margie’s quilt shop
- Quilts in the Park – September 10-13, 2009
Sponsored by: Spring Valley Quilt Guild, Falls Park, Pendleton, IN
(Located just north east of Indianapolis, IN)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Free Subscription!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
April Minutes
All new members (5) and visitors were welcomed and visitors were reminded that they may attend 2 meetings before deciding to join. Dues are $15.00/yr. and make sure that Nancy F. gets updated contact info when you join.
Carol F. shared pictures from the Courier Journal/Floyd County and Clark County sections and from the website from our Quilter's Day Out and once again thanked everyone who pitched in to help make it a success.
Sympathies and Condolences were expressed for Jane G., whose mother passed away and while in St. Louis for the services was notified that her husband's mother had passed away in Ohio. Sympathy was sent from all of us.
Committee Reports
Charity Quilt Report--Anne K. (not present, but sent to the meeting)--despite only three members showing up for the last Charity Quilt Saturday, they managed to finish a twin quilt, a top for another quilt, and baby blocks were put together. Reminder: If you say that you will attend, please try and make it or at least call and let Anne know as soon as you know you cannot attend.
Barbara T. discussed the tentative plans for the Fall Retreat at Spring Mill State Park:
Sponsored by Cabin Fever Retreats LLC and will include demos if wanted
$180/person based on double occupancy--$265/single occupancy
Includes room, five meals, two nights stay, plus all of the sewing you can stand
Also there is an optional trip planned to Craft Town for the Saturday--25% off
10 person minimum
Need a $80 deposit by June 1st
A sign-up sheet was passed around to express interest in going and voting for either September 18, 19, and 20 or October 30, 31, and November 1 weekends for the retreat.
The Penny Sistos Exhibit at the Carnegie Library will include an Ipod guide during the exhibit May 22 through July.
Nancy F.--Membership drive continues and five new members paid their dues at tonight's meeting.
Patsy S.--Not present, but sent info on a Cotton Theory class she will be offering in her Sellersburg studio Saturday, June 13th--a reversible table runner will be the project. Call or e-mail Patsy at (812) 246-4079 or to sign up or for more info.
Anne K.--will also be sending out e-mails regarding the classes she is teaching. 246-4420 or
Diana H.--presented and discussed setting up a blog for the guild members to participate in--Diana will set it up, but if anyone would like to serve as administrator, she would appreciate the help--she will let us know when it is ready. The blog site will serve to share ideas as well as serve as an area to post demos and directins that may have been missed at the meetings. Great idea!!!
Diana H. did a demo from Moonlight Quilters Guild on a clever 9 patch cutting trick. She has extra copies, but if you missed it, you can also find it on the blog. (Look on the sidebar for labels and click on "demos."
Round Robin--This was the 6th and final round and everyone thoroughly enjoyed revealing each step that they added to the pieces and the resulting pieces.
Diana H., star of tonight's show, revealed the next steps to the Mystery Quilt. She has extra copies for all, but wanted to emphasize to READ CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE THE BACKGROUND MATERIAL IS ON TOP BEFORE YOU CUT!!!! Next month should be very revealing. (hint, hint)
After a brief intermission, while we all swapped and exchanged notions and fabrics for this month's activity--we moved on to Show-n-Tell where as usual our talented ladies revealed their latest creations.
Next month's activity: Jeanne K. revealed a mystery material for next month's fat quarter drawing. Bring up to three fat quarters that match or complement the piece shown and enter the drawing. One entry per fat quarter--limit of three entries.
Minutes presented by Lisa T.
edited to correct the name of the retreat sponsor
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Nine Patch Tutorial
You can make these nine patches with any size squares just as long as they are cut to a size that is evenly divisible by three. More directions for this technique are here.
Happy sewing!